Wish Shared assets


Licensed User
Longtime User

Wouldn't it be interesting to set up a shared assets folder in the paths menu?

In that shared assets folder are folders like com.sorex.whatever .

During compilation it checks the folder based on app name to include shared assets.

This prevents me from having assets that are out of sync when I replaced an image or other file.

This is for both B4A & B4i as you might figured out already.


Licensed User
Longtime User
ok, the hard part is that I need a sync/mirror.

when I add a file in the android version it can be copied over with that build action.

misery starts when I remove files. which one will be kept intact or screw up?

working in 1 assets folder solves this that's why I put the request.

ofcourse I can work in a parent folder and put everything there and copy it to B4A\Project\files & B4i\Project\files after cleaning the files folder first.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know but the problem with sync/mirror tools is they have fixed source and destination and their what to do rules when there's a mismatch.

In my case these change depending on if I work in B4A or B4i. And I want to use the resources in B4A & B4I projects without having everything double.

I guess deleting file\*.* and recopy from shared assets folder at each compile is my only option then.

It still makes more sense that if you provide shared modules between products (B4A & B4i) that you also provide shared resources.