I have published one of my first app 10 month ago .
Never think your app will not have a chance in the market . I think you should never wait for perfect version .You can at any time transform your app.
Install as many simillar app as possible and get what best fit you.
After new version .. the installs are going up and new countries are showing in rank history .
Best ranking of this app :
Romania 40
France 200
Belgium 230
Upgrades I have made include:
- New options for using native keyboard (usefull for nonlatin users)
- Change font, font size , font color
- Save barcode value as name of the list , or and new item to list
- Custom defined dictionary and edit dictionary
- Custom defined units
- Fast adding units using short key numbers
- Shake event to clear lists
- option to remove click sound
- Options to change color skin for backgound,pannel , items and buttons
- Options to change button stile (need more improvement)
- Option to import , export lists and added suport for importing various lists format
- Added new custom language for creating custom dictionary items
- Sort method for moving checked list items ( stilll need improvement by adding new sort method)
Now... I have began to cut features described above ...
Here is the succes receipt :
1.Make your app as complicated as it gets
2.Cut 20% to 80% of your brain storming functions