Short update about the next version


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The main focus in the next version is on large projects.

- Compilation in debug mode will be significantly quicker.

- "Compile as library" option. This option will allow you to compile one or more modules (of any type) to a standard library. This will be very useful for building reusable components and also for breaking large projects into more manageable pieces. This will also speed up compilation as libraries are compiled in the background.

- Modules attributes / annotations.

The next version will also include other improvements.


Well-Known Member
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Compile as library? That is very interesting!
About time take in debug-mode, now, I think this is a major step!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
What a wonderful product B4A.
Each new version improves an already excellent product.
Thanks Erel.
I wait for the next version.
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Licensed User
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Thanks Erel,
I give you a credit for setting the ultimate goal!
BTW: I wish from deep of my heart, that the new version will include easy
access to the outside world. In today's world, the name of the game is
COMMUNICATION and easier access to smartphone's USB port should be
our target as well.
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B4X founder
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Thank you all for your feedback.

Does this mean we can write a class and compile it to a usable and sharable B4A Lib?
Yes. It can even include services and activities.

Beja, Basic4android has very good support for communication such as Http, FTP, sockets and more.

Android support for USB ports is problematic. There is a new open source project that helps with USB to serial converters. I do plan to wrap it soon (it is not related to any specific version of the IDE).
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