Is it possible to add a shortcut/view on the lockscreen using B4A, on A11? Its a personal project. ie for my use only
I am rooted, and running Pixel 4a with the latest stock Android 11. I previously always have run custom ROMs with middle lock screen shortcuts, configurable by the user. Even custom ROMs in android 10+ have stopped adding this feature, which I found very useful. I am hopping I will be able to duplicate it for myself in B4A. I am guessing all he security addition in A11 would stop it as an avenue of possible abuse.
I am rooted, and running Pixel 4a with the latest stock Android 11. I previously always have run custom ROMs with middle lock screen shortcuts, configurable by the user. Even custom ROMs in android 10+ have stopped adding this feature, which I found very useful. I am hopping I will be able to duplicate it for myself in B4A. I am guessing all he security addition in A11 would stop it as an avenue of possible abuse.