I believe I am running into a similar problem to what was reported here https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/method-not-found-audiovol_hide.94401/#content
When I add the following to the bottom of my main module the release version of the app appears for a split second before shutting down. No error appears in the log. Running the debug version of the app and all is fine.
Erel's response to the above referenced thread was to add the code after any other inline code. My main module doesn't have any inline code but several other modules in the project do. In which case, where should I place the shouldAutorotate code?
When I add the following to the bottom of my main module the release version of the app appears for a split second before shutting down. No error appears in the log. Running the debug version of the app and all is fine.
#if OBJC
@interface UINavigationController (B4IResize)
@implementation UINavigationController (B4IResize)
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return [(NSNumber*)[B4IObjectWrapper raiseEvent:self :@"_shouldautorotate" :nil] boolValue];
#End If
Erel's response to the above referenced thread was to add the code after any other inline code. My main module doesn't have any inline code but several other modules in the project do. In which case, where should I place the shouldAutorotate code?