How do I Show and Hide TopRightButtons Items?
in my scenario.
I have a multiline TextView, when keyboard opens it covers most of the control, there is no way to go back, the done button on textview works as enter key. so I am displaying a Done button on top right toolbar.
when the user click Done button I close the keyboard, then I want to hide this Done button. and show again when the textview gets focus. I also want to display a button/image item when keyboard is not open.
in my scenario.
I have a multiline TextView, when keyboard opens it covers most of the control, there is no way to go back, the done button on textview works as enter key. so I am displaying a Done button on top right toolbar.
when the user click Done button I close the keyboard, then I want to hide this Done button. and show again when the textview gets focus. I also want to display a button/image item when keyboard is not open.
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