i would like to use showpage2 to show a page with an animation, but not the default animation of scrolling from right to left. i would like to use a different transition.
from apple doc i understand that we can only set the transition for a page when we initialize it and not after that because the "TransitionStyle" property is read only and needs to be set on initialization. like:
how can we do it with b4i?
i know i could show the page as modal view controller but if i do it the page stays active and i cannot just show it again. i have to dismiss it but this needs to have always a list of the page stack and i dont want it. i just want to show a page with a specific transition and show another page from it and jump back from page 3 to page 1 and then again to page 2 and then to page 1....
is this possible?
i would like to use showpage2 to show a page with an animation, but not the default animation of scrolling from right to left. i would like to use a different transition.
from apple doc i understand that we can only set the transition for a page when we initialize it and not after that because the "TransitionStyle" property is read only and needs to be set on initialization. like:
init(transitionStyle: UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyle, navigationOrientation: UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientation, options: [String : Any]? = nil)
how can we do it with b4i?
i know i could show the page as modal view controller but if i do it the page stays active and i cannot just show it again. i have to dismiss it but this needs to have always a list of the page stack and i dont want it. i just want to show a page with a specific transition and show another page from it and jump back from page 3 to page 1 and then again to page 2 and then to page 1....
is this possible?