sim and network operator name


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hi !

these says information about sim inside phone :

Log(Main.P.GetNetworkOperatorName )

but are NOT valid only for DUAL SIM smathphone, because these are informations of first sim.

so : is there a way to know informations about the second sim ?

many thanks


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Currently it is not possible.

but I've seen that on dualsim phones, the database:/data/data/, in table:"siminfo", contais both sims info, names and telephone numbers (names are that you choice for both sim cards.....) is there any way to read theese infos??? also only for rooted phones???
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Android misses this API: Issue 14799 - android - Dual SIM cards supporting - Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project - Google Project Hosting

If your device is rooted then you can probably access the database directly (with SQL library).

thanks Erel, but sql.inizialize, give denied permission on that database, but with b4aroot->rootcCmdSilent, I can copy that database into any other readable folder (for i.e.: /mnt/sdcard/anyfolder/data.db) and then with sql commands I can retrieve all informations I need on!!!
thanks, hopeing google insert also all that apis listed.....
See U!
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