B4A Library Simple WIFI library Updated V. 3.07 09-05-2018

This library is based on the library Jem:https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/simple-wifi-library.38601/

Which Jem can no longer maintain.

I needed some methods that the library did not have, for an application I'm doing, and instead of creating a library from scratch, I preferred to take advantage of Jem's library and create those methods that I needed.

I've modified the source code, I have corrected some errors and added new methods that I needed.

I’ve tested on Android 4x, 5x and 6x on different devices and it gives me no error.

Author: V-2.17 by Jem Miller - Missing Link Software



V-3.07 by bgsoft

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <21

V-3.06 by bgsoft

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <23

V-3.05 by bgsoft



ScanDone (Results() As String, Count As Int) Results()

returns a string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device, sorted 'by Signal strength. These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength (dBm) , "Saved" (if this network was previously saved for use on this device) or “”, BSSID, Signal Percentage (0-100%), Frequency (Mhz), Center Frequency 0 (Mhz), Center Frequency 1 (Mhz), Channel Width (Mhz), Channel number, Band (2.4 Ghz / 5Ghz), Distance (m).



Wifis As String()

A string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device, sorted 'by Signal strength. These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength (dBm) , "Saved" (if this network was previously saved for use on this device) or “”, BSSID, Signal Percentage (0-100%), Frequency (Mhz), Center Frequency 0 (Mhz), Center Frequency 1 (Mhz), Channel Width (Mhz), Channel number, Band (2.4 Ghz / 5Ghz), Distance (m).


V-3.04 by bgsoft

New Constants:


Channel Width 20Mhz


Channel Width 40Mhz


Channel Width 80Mhz


Channel Width 160Mhz


Channel Width 80Mhz + 80Mhz



ScanDone (Results() As String, Count As Int) Results()

returns a string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device, sorted 'by Signal strength. These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength (dBm) , "Saved" (if this network was previously saved for use on this device) or “”, BSSID, Signal Percentage (0-100%), Frequency (Mhz), Channel Width (Mhz), Channel number, Band (2.4 Ghz / 5Ghz), Distance (m).



Wifis As String()

A string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device, sorted 'by Signal strength. These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength (dBm) , "Saved" (if this network was previously saved for use on this device) or “”, BSSID, Signal Percentage (0-100%), Frequency (Mhz), Channel Width (Mhz), Channel number, Band (2.4 Ghz / 5Ghz), Distance (m).

V-3.03 by bgsoft



ScanDone (Results() As String, Count As Int)
Results() Sorted by Signal strength.


StopScan *** Erase by Error in version 3.02

WifiAPDistance As Double
Returns the estimated distance to WIFI Access Point, depending on the signal level and frequency
Returns 0 on error.

StartScan (EventName As String, NoEventOnSystemScan As Boolean)
Recovered parameter "NoEventOnSystemScan", Erase in version 3.02
Does not start Wifi if it is stopped.


Wifis As String()
A string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device, sorted 'by Signal strength. These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength, and "Saved" if this network was previously saved for use on this device.

V-3.02 by bgsoft


WIFI_2_4GHZ_BAND As Int = 1

2.4GHz WIFI Band


5GHz WIFI Band


In this WIFI lock mode, WIFI will be kept active, and will behave normally. It will attempt to automatically establish a connection to a remembered access point that is within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered access points but none are in range.


In this WIFI lock mode, WIFI will be kept active, but the only operation that will be supported is initiation of scans, and the subsequent reporting of scan results. No attempts will be made to automatically connect to remembered access points, nor will periodic scans be automatically performed looking for remembered access points.
Scans must be explicitly requested by an application in this mode.


In this WIFI lock mode, WIFI will be kept active as in mode WIFI_MODE_FULL but it operates at high performance with minimum packet loss and low packet latency even when the device screen is off.
This mode will consume more power and hence should be used only when there is a need for such an active connection.


isOnline_PingDone(isOnline As Boolean)

Launches when "isOnlinePing5" finishes or when "isOnlinePing6" finishes or timeout
isOnline: Returns True if Internet is available


WifiFrequency As Int

Returns the Link Frequency (MHz) of the connected WIFI Access Point
Returns 0 on error.

WifiChannel As Int

Returns the Link Channel of the connected WIFI Access Point
2.4GHz Band: 1 - 13, 14 (Japan only)
5GHz Band: 0 - 200
Returns -1 on error.

WifiBand As Int

Returns the Link Band of the connected WIFI Access Point
WIFI_2_4GHZ_BAND: 2.4GHz Band
Returns 0 on error.

is5GHzBandSupported As Boolean

Returns true if this WIFI adapter supports 5 GHz band

holdWifiOn As Boolean

Allows an application to keep the WIFI radio awake. Normally the WIFI radio may turn off when the user has not used the device in a while.
WIFI radio will keep awake until "releaseWifiOn" is called.
Returns True on success

holdWifiOn2(lockType As Int) As Boolean

Allows an application to keep the WIFI radio awake. Normally the WIFI radio may turn off when the user has not used the device in a while.
WIFI radio will keep awake until "releaseWifiOn" is called.
Returns True on success

releaseWifiOn As Boolean

Unlocks the WIFI radio, previously locked by calling "holdWifiOn" or "holdWifiOn2", allowing it to
turn off when the device is idle.
Returns True on success

isWifiHeldOn As Boolean

Checks if WIFI is held On by a call to "holdWifiOn" or "holdWifiOn2"

isOnlinePing5(timeout As Long) As Boolean

Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to Google DNS server (Ip:
Launches the event "isOnline_PingDone(isOnline As Boolean)" with the ping result
timeout: Maximum waiting time in milliseconds
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if success

isOnlinePing6(IpHost As String, timeout As Long) As Boolean

Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to IpHost
Launches the event "isOnline_PingDone(isOnline As Boolean)" with the ping result
IpHost: Ip address or Host name
timeout: Maximum waiting time in milliseconds
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if success


V-3.01 by bgsoft

I have added the "stopScan" method to stop "_ScanDone" events from scans made automatically by the system, in the background.

I have also modified the "startScan" method, adding the parameter "NoEventOnSystemScan" that allows to disable the events coming from Scans made automatically by the system, in the background.

Two new isOnlinePing3 and isOnlinePing4 methods, equivalent to isOnlinePing and isOnlinePing2 but adding a timeout parameter, in milliseconds.


isOnlinePing3(timeout As Long) As Boolean

Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to Google DNS server (Ip:
timeout: Maximum waiting time in milliseconds
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if Internet is available

isOnlinePing4(IpHost As String, timeout As Long) As Boolean

Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to IpHost
IpHost: Ip address or Host name
timeout: Maximum waiting time in milliseconds
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if Internet is available


Stops events launched on system background scans, if enabled in "startScan".
Call "updateWifiList" to re-activate this events.

startScan(EventName As String, NoEventOnSystemScan As Boolean)

Initializes all objects and scans for WIFI networks. Builds a string array of results (wifis) that can be accessed directly or with a call to updateWifiList.
EventName: Name of the Event to launch when Scan finish (EventName_ScanDone)
NoEventOnSystemScan: Launches events only on requested scans (true) or on all scans (false), including system background scans.


V-3.00 by bgsoft

Class MLwifi


APIversion As Int
Returns the Version of Android running on the device as an integer such as 19, 21, 23, etc

EnableWifi(Enabled As Boolean)
Turns WIFI On or Off. Pass True to Enable WIFI or False to Disable

isWifiEnabled As Boolean
Returns whether WIFI is Enabled (true) or Disabled (false)

WifiMACAddress As String
Returns the MAC Address of the WIFI interface or empty string

WifiIpAddress As String
Returns the IP Address of the WIFI interface or empty string

WifiSSID As String
Returns the current WIFI SSID or empty string

WifiSignal As Int
Returns the WIFI signal strength in dBm as an integer or 0 on error

WifiStrength As Int
Returns the WIFI signal strength in percentage as an integer (0 to 100)
Returns 0 on error
This method fails in some devices. Use WifiSignalPct() instead

CalcWifiPct(int WifiSignal)
Calculates WIFI signal percentage from the WIFI signal level as an integer (0 to 100)
Signal Range: -100dBm -> 0%, -50dBm -> 100%

WifiSignalPct As Int
Returns the WIFI signal strength in percentage as an integer (0 to 100)
Returns 0 on error

WifiLinkSpeed As Int
Returns the LinkSpeed of the connected WIFI Access Point
Returns 0 on error.

isWifiConnectedOld As Boolean
Checks if WIFI is connected. This only checks for WIFI connection to a router
It does NOT test for Internet availability
Returns True if WIFI is connected or False if 2G, 3G, 4G, WIMAX or no connection
This method uses "getNetworkInfo()" that was deprecated in API level 23

isWifiConnected As Boolean
Checks if WIFI is connected. This only checks for WIFI connection to a router
It does NOT test for Internet availability
Returns True if WIFI is connected or False if 2G, 3G, 4G, WIMAX or no connection

isMobileConnected As Boolean
Checks if Phone Data is connected. This only checks for connection to a phone network.
It does NOT test for Internet availability.
Returns True if 2G, 3G or 4G Data is connected or False if WIFI, WIMAX or no connection

ActiveNetworkTypeName As String
Returns the Type (0:MOBILE, 1:WIFI, 6:WIMAX, 7:BLUETOOTH, 9:ETHERNET, etc) of the current Active Network or -1

ActiveNetworkType As Int
Returns the Type Name (WIFI, MOBILE, etc) of the current Active Network or empty string

isOnline As Boolean
Checks for Internet connection
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if Internet is available
ERROR!!!. This method only checks if the device is connected to any network (WIFI, Phone Data, etc),
but the network can be not connected to Internet (ADSL router not connected to phone line, etc)

isOnlinePing As Boolean
Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to Google DNS server (Ip:
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if Internet is available

isOnlinePing2(String IpHost) As Boolean
Checks for Internet connection by sending a Ping to any Internet server
IpHost: Ip address or Host name
This method does not check or care what type of network is used
It can be WIFI, 2G, 3G, 4g, WIMAX, etc. It just tests for Internet connectivity
Returns True if Internet is available

saveWifiAP(String ssid, int security, String password, boolean connect) As Boolean
Saves the configuration of a WIFI AP onto the device
ssid: Access Point SSID
security: Access Point security type (0:NONE, 1:WEP, 2:WAP)
password: Access Point password/phrase ("" for an open network)
connect: true -> Connect to the WIFI AP after saving
Returns True on success

isSavedWifiAP(String ssid) As Boolean
Checks if a WIFI AP is saved on the device
ssid: Access Point SSID
Returns True if this SSID is saved

removeWifiAP(String ssid) As Boolean
Remove a saved WIFI AP on the device
ssid: Access Point SSID
Returns True on success

disconnectWifiAP() As Boolean
Disconnects the current WIFI AP connection
Returns True on success

connectWifiAP(String ssid) As Boolean
Connects to a WIFI AP already configured on the device
ssid: Access Point SSID
Returns true on success

Class MLscan


ScanDone(Results() As String, Count As Int)
Launches when Scan finishes and a new list of Access Points is ready
Results(): A string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device.
These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength, and "Saved" if this network was previously
saved for use on this device.
Count: The number of elements in the Results() array


wifis As String[]

A string array containing all scanned Access Points in the area of the device.
These are comma separated entries consisting of the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal strength, and "Saved" if this network was previously
saved for use on this device.


startScan(EventName As String)
Initializes all objects and scans for WIFI networks. Builds a string array
of results (wifis) that can be accessed directly or with a call to updateWifiList.
EventName: Name of the Event to launch when Scan finish (EventName_ScanDone)
Call only after startScan has already been called and a string array of Access Points
has been built. This method returns a string array containing the access points from the
most recent scan, including background scans done automatically by the Android WifiManager.
Calls the ScanDone event when a new list is ready.
Returns the string array of comma separated WIFI access points by SSID. Each entry may
contain the following:
SSID, Security Type, Signal level (in dBm), and the word "Saved" if the network was
previously saved for use on this device.

getBSSID(EntryNumber As Int) As String
Returns the BSSID for the selected entry.
EntryNumber: If you display the string array wifis or the array returned in the getWifiList method UNSORTED,
you can pass the Position variable from your ListView_Click event.
Otherwise, you must pass the entry number from the string array since that is what is used as a reference.

WifiCap(EntryNumber As Int) As String
Returns a String containing info about the selected entry. A startScan must have already been done.
The string contains the SSID, the BSSID, and the Capabilities of the Network Access Point,
comma separated (SSID,BSSID,CapabilityString). The capabilities part can be quite long.
EntryNumber: If you display the string array wifis or the array returned in the getWifiList method UNSORTED,
you can pass the Position variable from your ListView_Click event.
Otherwise, you must pass the entry number from the string array since that is what is used as a reference.
Returns a string of comma separated entries of SSID,BSSID, and capability string. Returns an empty string on error.

isSavedWifiAP(EntryNumber As Int) As Boolean
Checks the stored networks on the device to see if this entry is a previously saved Access Point
EntryNumber: The entry number in the wifis array to check. If you display the string array wifis or
the array returned in the getWifiList method UNSORTED, you can pass the Position variable from
your ListView_Click event.
Otherwise, you must pass the entry number from the string array since that is what is used as a reference.
Returns True if this is a stored network

connectWifiAP(EntryNumber As Int) As Boolean
Connects to a network already configured on the device. The device will use saved values to connect.
EntryNumber: If you display the string array wifis or the array returned in the getWifiList method UNSORTED,
you can pass the Position variable from your ListView_Click event.
Otherwise, you must pass the entry number from the string array since that is what is used as a reference.
Returns true on success

listSavedNetworks As List
Builds a list of all saved networks on the device.
Returns a comma separated list of: SSID,BSSID,Network ID number.

saveWifiAP(EntryNumber As Intr, securityType As String, Password As String) As Boolean
Saves the configuration of a WIFI AP onto the device and connects to it.
EntryNumber: If you display the string array wifis or the array returned in the getWifiList method UNSORTED,
you can pass the Position variable from your ListView_Click event.
Otherwise, you must pass the entry number from the string array since that is what is used as a reference.
securityType: The Access Point security type (returned in the scan result string array)
Password: The password/phrase for the WIFI access point. Pass "" for an open network. Handles WEP HEX or text phrases
Returns True if the connection is successful

removeWifiAP(NetId As Int) As Boolean
Remove a saved WIFI AP on the device
NetId - The network ID number to delete (returned in the listSavedNetworks method)
Returns True on success



  • MLWifi_3_0.zip
    13.7 KB · Views: 696
  • MLWifi_3_01.zip
    27.6 KB · Views: 628
  • ML_Wifi_3_02.zip
    17.4 KB · Views: 612
  • MLWifi_3_03.zip
    18.8 KB · Views: 1,125
  • MLwifi 3_04.zip
    19.5 KB · Views: 491
  • MLwifi_3.05.zip
    19.6 KB · Views: 527
  • MLwifi_3.06.zip
    19.7 KB · Views: 536
  • MLwifi_3.07.zip
    19.8 KB · Views: 1,572
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Michael Wenning

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Manfred,
I have reinstalled the sdk with b4a sdk manager.
Now the android.jar path is: C:\Android\platforms\android-27\android.jar
I have removed the app from mobile.
I have restart the samsung mobile.
I have installed in debug mode with b4a bridge.
Nothing changed:

Logger verbunden mit: samsung SM-A320FL
--------- beginning of main
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (activity_permissionresult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** Service (icon) Create ***
** Service (icon) Start **
Wifi scan started!
scan done 0
scan done 0
scan done 0
scan done 0
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Service (icon) Destroy **
Wifi scan stopped!

Perhaps is a good idea with the teamviewer.
When have you time for this issue? Perhaps on monday?

Best regards

Michael Wenning

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have found solution:
On 8.0 android devices you must have "Location enabled" in order for wifimanager to work.
Now it works:

Logger verbunden mit: samsung SM-A320FL
--------- beginning of main
scan done 0
scan done 0
scan done 0
scan done 0
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Service (icon) Destroy **
Wifi scan stopped!
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** Service (icon) Create ***
** Service (icon) Start **
Wifi scan started!
scan done 8
scan done 8
scan done 9
scan done 10
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Service (icon) Destroy **
Wifi scan stopped!

Best regards


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

I have implemented new methods and events, above is the new version 3.04 and 3.05


Paulo Rosa

Licensed User
Hi @bgsoft,

This is a fantastic library, thanks a lot for the nice work. I'm working on a project that uses MLWiFi (Simple Wifi Library) and the library has been very useful.

Could I make a feature request here?

Since Android 6.0+ requires location access to scanning Wi-Fi, it would be very nice if the required permissions were added to the library:




Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi @bgsoft,

This is a fantastic library, thanks a lot for the nice work. I'm working on a project that uses MLWiFi (Simple Wifi Library) and the library has been very useful.

Could I make a feature request here?

Since Android 6.0+ requires location access to scanning Wi-Fi, it would be very nice if the required permissions were added to the library:



Hi Paulo:

These two permissions are already added, from version 3.04.



Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <23 new version 3.06


Paulo Rosa

Licensed User
Hi @bgsoft,

Although android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION are indeed included in version 3.05, my app still was getting an empty results array. Only after I included runtime permission code in my app, I could get the correct results array.


Paulo Rosa

Licensed User
Hi @bgsoft,

Although android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION are indeed included in version 3.05, my app still was getting an empty results array. Only after I included runtime permission code in my app, I could get the correct results array.

Forgot to say: my phone has Android 7.0.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <21 new version 3.07


Michael Wenning

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank's for that great libary. I use this and it works very good.

After start connection to Access Point
i ask for sucsessfull connection:

Private Sub ConnectToAP ( strApName As String, strApPassWort As String) As ResumableSub
    Dim Mk_IstSavedAp As Boolean
    'Dim strPassWort As String
    Dim Mk_Fehler As Boolean
    Dim Mk_ErfolgreichConnected As Boolean
    Dim z As Int
    If strApName.Length > 0 Then
        If Starter.wifi.isSavedWifiAP(strApName) Then
            Mk_IstSavedAp = True
            Log ( strApName & " ist ein auf dem Handy gespeicherter Access Point!")
            Mk_IstSavedAp = False
            Log ( strApName & " ist kein ein auf dem Handy gespeicherter Access Point!")
        End If
    End If
    If Mk_IstSavedAp = True Then
        Mk_ErfolgreichConnected = Starter.wifi.connectWifiAP(strApName)
        Log ("Mit zuvor gespeicherten Access Point " & strApName & " erfogreich connected: " &  Mk_ErfolgreichConnected)
        ' 2 ==> WPA 2
        Starter.wifi.saveWifiAP(strApName, 2, strApPassWort, False)
        Mk_ErfolgreichConnected = Starter.wifi.connectWifiAP(strApName)
    End If
    Mk_Fehler = False
    z = 0
    Do Until Starter.wifi.WifiSSID = strApName
        z = z + 1
        If z > mgl_intConnectVersuche Then
            Log ("Connection nach " &  strApName & " nicht geschafft!")
            ToastMessageShow("Connection nach " &  strApName & " nicht geschafft!" ,True)
            Mk_Fehler = True
        End If

    Log ("Wartezeit [mSek] für Connect Versuche zu " & strApName & ": " & (z*10))
    If Mk_Fehler = False Then
        Return True
        Return False
    End If
End Sub

After establishing the connection to the access point I ask if it was successful. After 30 to 2500 milliseconds I get the positive feedback. If I connect directly to a server, I often get an error message. The server is unreachable...
If I adjust the scenario in my test app and wait until the Wifi symbol is visible in the notification area, it always works. I have now alternatively worked with timers and checked the presence of the stable access point. This is very inefficient. Is there a more elegant/effective way? Maybe an intent / broadcast message?
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi @bgsoft,

Although android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION are indeed included in version 3.05, my app still was getting an empty results array. Only after I included runtime permission code in my app, I could get the correct results array.


I guess the sentence "the permissions are included in version 3.05" means here that you don't need to add them with manifest editor but of course your app still needs the user to grant them at runtime.

Paulo Rosa

Licensed User
I guess the sentence "the permissions are included in version 3.05" means here that you don't need to add them with manifest editor but of course your app still needs the user to grant them at runtime.
Thanks. I didn't know much about runtime permissions... until know. ;)

Paulo Rosa

Licensed User
Hi @bgsoft,

Regarding the method updateWiFiList,

According to the documentation, "This method returns a string array containing the access points from the most recent scan, including background scans done automatically by the Android WifiManager."

I would like to suggest that you include a (possibly optional) parameter which when true make updateWiFiList force the Android WiFiManager to do a new Wi-Fi AP scan. The reason for this request is that in some situations, the AP list can be eventually outdated as the phone is moved around in an environment with several APs (like my house which has four APs...).

I'm aware that recent Android versions are gradually limiting the number of times an app can force the WiFiManager to do a AP scan. But that's not a problem, for my app would not call repeatedly for a forced scan and that would be done only in foreground.


Paulo Rosa

Licensed User

After establishing the connection to the access point I ask if it was successful. After 30 to 2500 milliseconds I get the positive feedback. If I connect directly to a server, I often get an error message. The server is unreachable...
If I adjust the scenario in my test app and wait until the Wifi symbol is visible in the notification area, it always works. I have now alternatively worked with timers and checked the presence of the stable access point. This is very inefficient. Is there a more elegant/effective way? Maybe an intent / broadcast message?
Hi @Michael Wenning,

You could define a dynamic Broadcast Receiver and listen to "android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE".

BroadcastReceiver library allows you to implement that on a straightforward way. After connecting to the desired AP, you could use the BroadcastReceiver event function to check the state of MlWiFi.isWiFiConnected.

Regards and good luck!


Licensed User

V-3.07 by bgsoft

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <21

V-3.06 by bgsoft

Corrected compatibility issues with API level <23

1) I am forced to develop for some I.S. Phones which have Android 4.4.2 (and my app was developed using 3.03 of this library. Not all of the library worked for <Android 5. Do these changes mean that all the features in the library will now work or do they just apply to ScanDone?

2) Does anybody know of a simple example using ScanDone as I tried to use it instead of reflection but I am struggling with it?

Thanks in advance, Simon