Share My Creation SiteDiary.EU daily project log


I just uploaded my app at google play.
It may take a couple of hours to show up but i am too tired to wait.
I assume the app url will be

I ll just copy paste the description from and i will include 3 photos

Please be gentle, its my first serious attempt at making an app. :)

Its an Android App helpfull to people who deal with projects and would like to document their progress.
Civil engineers, Archaeologists, Companies that have workers in the field, Contractors , Builders

You can add your projects and keep records of the following things:

- Daily tasks / jobs
- Weather
- Workers
- Machines
- Materials
- Comments
- Notes
- Photos of work and progress
- Payments and photos of checks / invoices
- Suppliers and subcontractors

Organizer for quick notes:
- Task List per project
- Easy Interface
- Record keeping
- Connects with your payments to show paycheck dates
- Connects with your tasks that have scheduled inspections of the project

Reports are created in HTML format and can be printed or sent by Email, Dropbox etc

- Daily project report
- Daily tasks
- Workers and days worked
- Payments. Per supplier and project. With the ability to import in Excel
- Machines

SiteDiary.EU can connect with Dropbox or FTP Server for easy file transfer.



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looks quite interesting...
one question... if a team of workers engaged on the same project use your app, will they receive updates of project status?(maybe a PRO version spec?)


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Thats what i am working on! A "cloud" version that will enable workers to form a group and share projects/tasks.
That version will also add Gantt charts, messages between workers, online storage for project files(plans, diagrams) , multiple templates for the reports and a lot more.
I will make the updates realtime using GCM and server events for the users on a PC browser.

I am almost half way there :)

Also i am open to ideas and requests for features!


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Thats what i am working on! A "cloud" version that will enable workers to form a group and share projects/tasks.
That version will also add Gantt charts, messages between workers, online storage for project files(plans, diagrams) , multiple templates for the reports and a lot more.
I will make the updates realtime using GCM and server events for the users on a PC browser.

I am almost half way there :)

Also i am open to ideas and requests for features!

Sounds like you got all the bases covered... I'll be glad to field-test it for you.
I work on fiber-optics network deployment and we advance one project at a time... maybe I can use it to keep track of my projects at hand...
Will the app keep the project logs after project completion, for posterior consultation?
A feature request... After completion, if the project client finds something missing or not according to its standards, will it be possible to create a kind of "rectifications" report?


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Another suggestion... The ability to chose tabs for each project... I.e. some project may not need subcontractors nor machines so no need for them in project page.


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Another one... A real case... Mine... Each project of mine has a kind of "monthly points"... For example, a project can be worth 115 points while another only 7. This could be another field to add like "project value". Then the ability to create monthly reports with a list of the completed projects and their total value


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@Klaus Matle icons are from and they are free even for commercial projects if you give credits in the about page.check their site about the exact license. if you register at from time to time they give full 512px icon packs for free, or full access for some time as a site promotion.

@Cableguy lots of questions :) nice!
>>Will the app keep the project logs after project completion, for posterior consultation?
A feature request... After completion, if the project client finds something missing or not according to its standards, will it be possible to create a kind of "rectifications" report?

I dont know what you mean by "logs". The simple thing to keep a project is to not delete it from your list.Second option is to create a report and store it somewhere.The reports detail all the tasks per day and workers,materials etc.
I havent thought about rectifications report.I would need a sample of the report and some description on the use of it. Like....
is this report connected to a specific task day? Does it belong to the project as a whole? Is it only 1 such report per project or there can be many?
who writes the report, the client himself or his manager/supervisor? what fields does the report have?what happens after this report, is there a response from you to "close" the rectification report?
Just say anything that comes to mind about the rectification report so i can understand how its used.

>>The ability to chose tabs for each project... I.e. some project may not need subcontractors nor machines so no need for them in project page.

subcontractors are not tied to each project, they are tied to you. in the subcontractor list you enter the people that provide you with materials or services. Each subcontractor has a set of workers. when a subcontractor does a job for you you enter the workers that took part in the job in the specific daily task.the other use of subcontractors are in payments.
Or do you just mean that in "add task" you dont need to see the machines button?

>>Each project of mine has a kind of "monthly points"...

I can do that.Do you have in mind a sample of how the monthly points report will look like?
I assume you enter the points when you create a new project.

I wonder if i should put all the features everyone needs in 1 app or i should create separate apps. I ll sleep on it

My suggestion cableguy is to use the app for a week on 1 project, see it in action and then i ll be here to hear your thoughts

One new feature that i am working on is recording video for a task. I should have done it from the start.It would be useful to keep and share notes
especially when you work in a group.


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I have installed and am just waiting for a new project to come in... Then I will make a complete report.


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So as promissed, I'm back with a small bug report and a feature wish.

The Bugs:
When trying to add a worker on the workers page, the description is not in english. The same issue is found on the machines page.
I could only add one task to my project. When I tried to add another task, it just toasted "task not created"
The camera feature is cool, but the "take photo" button is a bit offset to the right.
When in the task page, when I try to see the list of workers availabre, the page is not in English, same as the machines.
Last, I tried creating a report, then opening it... A couple of apps are suggested, the plain text app is unable to open it... HTML view works fine but the report does not fit the screen.

Feature wish:
When I started typing in a new project, I accidentally hit the back key... You should implement a "are you sure" dialogue before abandinig the new project page.
Also, either do a "fit screen report" or add the ability to zoom in/out... Or better yet, do both.

My test are made with my Asus PhoneTab 7"


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You are right there were some bugs, mostly with translation and some forgotten labels.
I have fixed them but i havent uploaded the new apk, i want to double check them.

>>When trying to add a worker on the workers page, the description is not in english. The same issue is found on the machines page.

>>I could only add one task to my project.
you can only save 1 task per day. The idea is that your daily log is per day and not per every small thing that happens.
So at the end of the day you add a record/daily task and write all the jobs/things that happened that day!
You told me that you do fiber-optics network deployment. I image a daily log would say something like:
"Finish installing the fiber optic to rooms 516,212,416 of ABC offices.Checked the quality and did some bandwidth tests"
or "First day at ABC offices, talked to the managers and did a survey and took measurements"

>>the "take photo" button is a bit offset to the right
it is supposed to be on the lower right side, in order to stand out and be easier to press. you think it would be better on the left side with the other buttons?

>>When in the task page, when I try to see the list of workers availabre, the page is not in English, same as the machines.

>>HTML view works fine but the report does not fit the screen.
when the HTMLviewer opens the report unfortunately its out of my control. HTMLviewer is a system android app.
the bad news are that you can only do double tap in HTMLviewer to zoom to fit. fingers dont work. and it only supports no zoom or full zoom.
the good news are that you can open the reports using opera or firefox or chrome on android, and you can zoom anyway you like.

>>the plain text app is unable to open it
reports are html files, so even if you open them with a notepad/plaintext they wont look right.

I would also like to say that i intent to do a template system for the reports, so the user can choose the format of the report.
this would be done soon, when people start sending me their report samples.

I ll upload the new apk in the afternoon of 4/12. as i mentioned i want to double check all the menus.

its now almost 6 in the morning... too tired.....i ll go get a nice sleep and continue!

Thank you for your report. simple and to the point! nice! :)


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[QUOTE="aggelos, post: 295893,
You told me that you do fiber-optics network deployment. I image a daily log would say something like:
"Finish installing the fiber optic to rooms 516,212,416 of ABC offices.Checked the quality and did some bandwidth tests"
or "First day at ABC offices, talked to the managers and did a survey and took measurements"
I'll to explain a bit better what I do...

I am part of a team of 4 persons. Each one has a role more or less defined. 2 of us pass the cable within the telephone infrastructure infrastructure. (We don't do buildings, we create residential areas fibre infrastructure, also known as D2)
Then, one or two guys start installing the PBO's while I star making fusions PA side. These are general steps.. Before and during this, we have detail work. I was under the idea that we would be able to create several tasks for the same date, as we can have concurrent tasks in the field.
A normal project of ours goes a bit like this:
-The whole team passes the cable
-one persons starts making labels and preparing the PBO's to be installed
-I start preparing the cables to fuse
-another starts making detail work throughout the cable route.
-last, when almost all things are done, and the fusions are ready, my teams chief does all the testing.
All along this, 2 persons may take pictures of what has been done.

So as you see, there are several tasks that can be concurent, and on average, all this is done on a 3 day span.
Your app is perfect as a workers aid, to know what he has to do for the day, but team wise, the ability to have several tasks at the same time is a must. Maybe a "project chief" version would apply.


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hmmmm i see.

well the only reason that i restricted 1 record per day was to protect the user from entering multiple logs for the same day.
The people(civil engineers) that use the program at this point and helped with the initial ideas, have strictly 1 record per day.
So i can easily remove this limitation, but i have to change some things in the way the photos are tied to each task.
Right now all task photos go to 1 folder per day.I should separate the photos per task per day.

let me think about it today and try some changes and tests


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This is just a case study... Don't change your app for a feature used by a minority of your users... It was just my field test...


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I understand what you are saying, but i guess there are other jobs that require multiple records per day.
So why limit the user.

I dont think this change will have impact on people using 1 record per day.

I ll do my tests and see how it goes.


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@Cableguy I dont know if you are still monitoring this thread.
I just uploaded version 3.1.2 which adds support for multiple tasks per day.
If you are up for another field test :)


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Yes I am, and I'll be glad to give it a more extensive field test... I'm gathering a kind of "photo journal" and I will post it later today, so you will be able to see what I do for a living...


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Just a very quick bug report.

-When adding a worker to the workers list, the label for the field just below "Marital Status" is not correctly translated to English and is shown in its original language.

-When creating a dayly report, the workers are not listed.( I first created the task, then I added the worker to the workers list, and only then I set the workers in the task previously created)

Categorised task icons, maybe even the possibility of setting a custom task icon. It would help to differentiate between them. Also a sorting option in the tasks would be nice.

Keep in mind, my sugestions are only based in my own field test/ needs... Its up to you to decide whether to implement them or not.
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i Greece there is something called "trieties" which translates to "how many three years have you worked".
if you work 6 years you say i have worked 2 threeyears.packs of 3. Each time you reach a new threeyear you get some benefits.

i dont know if there is something like that in your country.
The truth is i didnt know how to say that in english, so i left it until someone reports it and tells me how its done in his country ;)

i could just translate it to "work years" ?


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In Portuguese it would translate to "antiguidade"...
In English, I think the best translation would be "antiquity" or "field experience years"

One last suggestion.
Within the label of each task, showing the name of the worker would help the "organising person" to not over task a specific worker.