Size of Activity modules and layout files

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Hi everyone. Basically, currently my the size of my application is already a whopping 50MB (well, that's what I get for stuffing everything into the application instead of retrieval from the Internet). Anyway, that 50MB is a done deal.

Now I'm thinking of modifying my application by adding more modules and layouts. I plan to spread the 50MB worth of contents into the modules. Currently, everything is done on one module using one single layout. I would like to know : Does the number of Activity modules and layout files affect the size? Will adding more modules increase the overall size of the application?

Tl;dr version
Will adding more modules increase the overall size of the application?


Yeah, about that...this is actually my friend's computer (and his license) that I'm using. Since I didn't know his login details and stuff, I created an account of my own.
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