Wish SLC should use the new Folderstructure


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B4J and B4A now supports the new Folderstructure for Libraries.

I wish SLC (B4A) would use the path
E:\B4X.Additionallibs\B4A\ directly when the Path to the Additionallibs in B4A is set to E:\B4X.Additionallibs\ and the Folder B4A exists here.

I wish SLC (B4J) would use the path
E:\B4X.Additionallibs\B4J\ directly when the Path to the Additionallibs in B4J is set to E:\B4X.Additionallibs\ and the Folder B4J exists here.


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Longtime User
Can it be that SLC, when working using Commandline, now does not write a jar or xml. I see the commandwindow open and i guess it compiles fine but i am missing the jar and xml.
I´m investigating...

For now i am getting

[-docletpath, E:\Basic4android\SimpleLibraryCompiler]
[-classpath, E:\B4J\B4J.exe\../libraries\jFX.jar;E:\B4J\B4J.exe\../libraries\jCore.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201\bin\..\jre\lib\jfxrt.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\asn-one-0.4.0.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bcmail-jdk15on-1.61.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bcpkix-jdk15on-1.61.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.61.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bctls-jdk15on-;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\bctls-jdk15on-1.61.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\core-;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\core-;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\core-;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\jcifs-ng-2.1.2-javadoc.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\jcifs-ng-2.1.2-sources.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\jcifs-ng-2.1.2.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\sun-security-jaas.jar;E:\B4ALibs.workspace\jcif-ng\libs\support-annotations-25.3.1.jar;]
[-sourcepath, src]
[-b4atarget, E:\B4X.Additionallibs\B4J\jcif-ng.xml]
[-b4aignore, io.fouad,be.appfoundry,com.cognaxon,com.shockwave,anywheresoftware.b4a,ai.picovoice,org.json,org.hitlabnz,com.firebase,pl.droidsonroids,com.acs,com.yuyakaido,com.android,nl.hypothermic,org.drinkless,com.hierynomus,cafe.adriel,com.github,io.nayuki]
Ignoring: [io.fouad, be.appfoundry, com.cognaxon, com.shockwave, anywheresoftware.b4a, ai.picovoice, org.json, org.hitlabnz, com.firebase, pl.droidsonroids, com.acs, com.yuyakaido, com.android, nl.hypothermic, org.drinkless, com.hierynomus, cafe.adriel, com.github, io.nayuki]
Working with class: de.donmanfred.CIFSContextwrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBClientwrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBFilewrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBResourcewrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBSIDwrapper
finish: E:\B4X.Additionallibs\B4J\jcif-ng.xml

but the jar and xml files are not written.


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Longtime User
Hidden hint :D

The B4A SLC is working as Expected. Just wanted to post the log

Working with class: de.donmanfred.CIFSContextwrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBClientwrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBFilewrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBResourcewrapper
Working with class: de.donmanfred.SMBSIDwrapper
finish: E:\B4X.Additionallibs\B4A\jcif-ng.xml


Licensed User
Longtime User
The B4J SLC is not working for me.
sorry, i must say that it seems that the b4j is not working at all. At least for me.

When i run the B4A SLC from Eclipse
i get the Log captured in the Eclipsewindow. (This was the case in the old SLC and SLC4J too)

When i run the SLC for B4J then the Windows Command window pop up, i see the output in the commandwindow and after the commandwindow disappear nothing happen.
Even the Console in Eclipse does not popup with the result.

Could you please recheck that B4J_LibraryCompiler.exe is effectively creating the Files for you? Meaning: delete the old jar and xml and let SLC create them new.