So, I have some problem. I want open photo from LAN PC
first way is ....
SMB1.DownloadFile("smb://", "logo.jpg", File.DirRootExternal,"logo.jpg")
------its work. No problem
But this way record the file on phone.
this code 1. step (save on phone) 2.step (open photo on phone).
I want to use ram/stream etc. I dont want save on phone. How I can it?
I have problem lines in "SMB1_DownloadCompleted".
(sorry I am new...)
So, I have some problem. I want open photo from LAN PC
first way is ....
SMB1.DownloadFile("smb://", "logo.jpg", File.DirRootExternal,"logo.jpg")
------its work. No problem
But this way record the file on phone.
this code 1. step (save on phone) 2.step (open photo on phone).
I want to use ram/stream etc. I dont want save on phone. How I can it?
I have problem lines in "SMB1_DownloadCompleted".
(sorry I am new...)
'************IT S WORK LINE*****************
'SMB1.DownloadFile2("smb://", "logo.jpg",sout,True)
Sub SMB1_DownloadCompleted (Url As String, RemoteFile As String, Success As Boolean)
If Not(Success) Then
ToastMessageShow("Download failed : " & LastException,False)
ToastMessageShow("Download : " & RemoteFile & " downloaded",False)
ToastMessageShow(File.DirRootExternal & "logo.jpg", False)
'ImageView1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirRootExternal, "logo.jpg")
'Dim photo As Bitmap
'Dim Bitmap1 As ImageView' Image
'photo.Initialize2(siin)' (photo)
'photo.WriteToStream(sout, 10, "JPEG")
'ImageView1.WriteToStream( sout, 100, "JPEG")' OutputStream1, 10, "JPEG")
'ImageView1.Bitmap= Bitmap.WriteToStream(siin, 10, "JPEG")
End If
End Sub