Android Question SMS permission


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I'm trying to send a sms:

Sub EnviaSMS (ParNumero As String, ParMensaje As String)
    Dim lcSMS As JavaObject
    Dim lcPort As Short = 90
    Dim lcDestination As String = ParNumero
    Dim Data() As Byte = ParMensaje.GetBytes("UTF8")
    lcSMS = lcSMS.InitializeStatic("android.telephony.SmsManager").RunMethod("getDefault", Null)
    lcSMS.RunMethod("sendDataMessage", Array(lcDestination, "", lcPort, Data, Null, Null))
End Sub

And I receive the error:

"Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Sending SMS message: User 10093 does not have android.permission.SEND_SMS."

Thanks in advance for your time,

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