Hello, if this code is sent by EREL, is it possible to modify it to send an SMS without the user having to press the send button? I need it to be sent directly from the APP. This issue of permit restrictions is complicating me.
Sub enviar_sms()
Dim PhoneNumber As String = "02323206213"
Dim Message As String = evento_electrico & evento_informacion & evento_telefonico & evento_internet & " " & Editsuministro.Text & " " & Editobs.Text
Dim recibido As Boolean = True
Dim enviado As Boolean = True
ToastMessageShow("enviando mensaje..."& PhoneNumber,True)
'msn.Send2(PhoneNumber,Message,recibido,enviado) ' envia sms
Dim In As Intent
Dim EN As Intent
In.Initialize(In.ACTION_VIEW, "sms:" & PhoneNumber)
'In.Initialize(In.ACTION_SEND, "sms:" & PhoneNumber)
In.PutExtra("sms_body", Message)
End Sub