iOS Question SMTP Send Problem


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I am sure I am doing something silly, but I just cannot figure out what is going on with this code. It works fine in B4a, but in B4i I only receive the first email, not the Order Confirmation message.

(The user name and password were changed to protect the innocent.)

Sub PlaceOrder

    Dim SMTP1 As SMTP
    Dim MsgBody As String
    Dim fPhone As String
    Dim tPrice As Double
    Dim tQty As Int   
    Dim tTotal As Double
    Dim fi As String   
    Dim inList As List
    fi = "WVHCart.txt"

    fPhone = InstallPhone

    SMTP1.Initialize("", 465, "[email protected]", "Password", "SMTP")
    SMTP1.UseSSL = True
'    SMTP1.To.Add("[email protected]")
    SMTP1.To.Add("[email protected]")
'    SMTP1.BCC.Add("[email protected]")
    SMTP1.Subject = "Spot Hops:  INCOMING!"
    MsgBody = "The following user has ordered product on their Apple device!  " & LF & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "User Email:  " & InstallEMail & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "User Phone:  " & fPhone  & LF 

    inList = File.ReadList(File.DirDocuments,fi)
    tTotal = 0
    For i = 0 To inList.Size - 1 Step 4   
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "-------------------------------------" & LF
        rLine = inList.Get(i+1)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Item: " & rLine & LF
        rLine = inList.Get(i+2)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Price: $" & rLine & LF
        tPrice = rLine
        rLine = inList.Get(i+3)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Qty: " & rLine & LF
        tQty = rLine
        tTotal = tTotal + (tPrice * tQty)
    Dim st As String = NumberFormat2(ShipTot,1, 2, 2, False)
    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF & "Shipping: TBD"
    Dim st As String = NumberFormat2(tTotal,1, 2, 2, False)

    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF & LF & "Total: $" & st
    MsgBody=MsgBody & LF & LF & "Customer Zip Code: " & etZipCode.Text
    SMTP1.Body = MsgBody

    SMTP1.Initialize("", 465, "[email protected]", "Password", "SMTP")
    SMTP1.UseSSL = True

    SMTP1.Subject = "Willamette Valley Hops Order Confirmation"
    MsgBody = "Thank you for your order!" & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "A representative will contact you shortly to gather your shipping and billing information." & LF  & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "Cart Detail" & LF 
    inList = File.ReadList(File.DirDocuments,fi)
    For i = 0 To inList.Size - 1 Step 4
        rLine = inList.Get(i+1)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Item: " & rLine & LF
        rLine = inList.Get(i+2)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Price: $" & rLine & LF
        tPrice = rLine
        rLine = inList.Get(i+3)
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "Qty: " & rLine &  LF
        tQty = rLine
        MsgBody = MsgBody & "__________________________________________" & LF

        tTotal = tTotal + (tPrice * tQty)
    Dim st As String = NumberFormat2(ShipTot,1, 2, 2, False)
'    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF & "Shipping: $" & st
    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF & "Shipping: TBD"
    'tTotal = tTotal + ShipTot
    Dim st As String = NumberFormat2(tTotal,1, 2, 2, False)
    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF & LF & "Total: $" & st
    MsgBody = MsgBody & LF 
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "We look forward to talking to you!" & LF & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "Willamette Valley Hops" & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "PO Box 276" & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "St. Paul, Oregon 97137" & LF & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "503.633.4677" & LF
    MsgBody = MsgBody & "[email protected]" & LF
    SMTP1.Body = MsgBody

    hd.ToastMessageShow("Order Submitted.  Thank you!",True)   
End Sub


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Thanks, Erel.

I commented out the second SMTP1.Initialize and it still only works in RELEASE mode.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
That worked, Erel. However, does this mean that hundreds of users will log onto the gmail account whenever they access the App? Even though it might not need to send an email?

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