some libraries like the new ExoPlayer RTMP uses multiple so file for each CPU set
arm64-v8a,armebi-v7a,x86, etc ....
i'm trying to use it with other library only use single so file located in armeabi
the problem is when i use the 2 libraries together
the app searches for the so files in the folder related to the current CPU
and the library which uses single so file in armeabi will fail to load because its so file not found in the other folder
this can be fixed if i manually copied this so file into all other folders and repack the apk but it will make the apk huge and it takes long time to test
any ideas ?
arm64-v8a,armebi-v7a,x86, etc ....
i'm trying to use it with other library only use single so file located in armeabi
the problem is when i use the 2 libraries together
the app searches for the so files in the folder related to the current CPU
and the library which uses single so file in armeabi will fail to load because its so file not found in the other folder
this can be fixed if i manually copied this so file into all other folders and repack the apk but it will make the apk huge and it takes long time to test
any ideas ?