After coding a while i got suddenly the following error when compiling:
Does anyone has an idea ?
The last change was only the content of a Label
B4J Version: 8.90
Parse den Code. (0.42s)
Java Version: 8
Building folders structure. (0.06s)
Führe individuellen Aktion aus. (0.28s)
Kompiliere den Code. (0.28s)
Kompiliere Layoutcode. (0.07s)
Organisiere Libraries. (0.00s)
Kompiliere generierten Java Code. Error
javac 1.8.0_66
src\b4j\example\ error: illegal start of expression
frm.initWithStage(ba, stage, 1240, );
1 error
Does anyone has an idea ?
The last change was only the content of a Label
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