iOS Question [solved] Can't upload with iTunes Connect


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Hi all. I started submitting my App for review, following the instructions provided by B4i. I created a distribution certificate and provision, compiled the App for distribution then tried to contact "iTunes Connect" using my Apple Developer access.

Accessing the Apple Developer page, I find a list of links on the left. Clicking on the icon with the link to iTunes Connect a new page opens with four big buttons: "Apps", "Music", "Books" etc. If I click "Apps", there isn't any "tool" for uploading my application, but just a description of "what's possible in the wonderful world of Apple" or something similar.

Note that in the upper right side of the screen is present my AppleID account, with the menu option "Exit". So, I am in that page as registered user.

I can't understand what happens. I used the browser Safari on a true Mac machine, but the behaviour is the same using FireFox on a Windows machine. I also tried the "enroll" button, following pages with explaination about the "wonderful Apple world", but received an error 'cause the Apple ID is in use (yes, it's me).

What kind of mistake am I doing ? Is the account for iTunes Connect different from Apple Developer one ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Edited: I also tried, on the MAC machine, the Application Loader, but entering AppleID and password I received an authentication error. The same AppleID and password are accepted when accessing the Apple Developers site (I managed devices, certificates and provisions).

Re-Edited: I also tried with remote builder, using the "upload to itunes connect" feature, receiving the same authentication error. So, it's evident that my Apple Developer account must have some missing permissions for iTunes Connect. It's a jungle.

Any brief and clear explaination ? Help, please...
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Licensed User
Hi, tufanv, thanks for your answer.

The error appears as an authentication fault.

I can't access iTunes Connect (or program upload) in any way, directly from MAC or via remote compiler, for the same reason.

I suspect there will be some additional step to do on my Apple Developer account for enabling the "iTunes Connect", but I don't know what is it.

My account is a Company account, but in the Apple Developer page (that I can access with my credentials) I can't find any command to enable "iTunes Connect" or add some Company's employed to a list of authorized users.

Programming is simple, bureaucracy is hard.
More time spent in registering accounts and creating keys than for real problem solving.
It's a bad environment, but I must publish my App even for iPhone users...
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Longtime User
Re-Edited: I also tried with remote builder, using the "upload to itunes connect" feature, receiving the same authentication error.

Can you paste here the error you recevie with the uploader ?

Maybe you don't have the role to upload as this is a company account. I am Just assuming.
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Licensed User
Yes, I agree.
The problem is that I can't enter "iTunes Connect" with the credentials I use while accessing Apple Developer page.

Connecting directly or via remote builder to "iTunes Connect" requires username and password and I used, in both cases, my Apple Developer credentials.
At this point it's obvious that such credentials are NOT valid for uploading to iTunes Connect.

Now, I must understand how to create a valid username and password for iTunes Connect, under my Apple Developer account.

The on-line docs from Apple looks like Dante's Inferno, but I suppose the answer must be there.
Any advice or any link that will shorten the search is highly appreciated !
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B4X founder
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Are you able to login to your Apple developer account? There is an iTunes Connect button that will take you to iTunes Connect:

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Licensed User
Hi Erel, thanks for your answer.
Yes, I can connect to Apple Developer.
I'm using the Team Agent account.
When I click on iTunes Connect, the browser (Safari on Mac, Seamonkey on Windows) just shows a page with 4 big icons: "Apps, Music, Books, Media". Not any tool for adding users, sending files etc.
At top right of the page, I can read my firm's name with descending menu' with just "exit" option. That means I entered a valid username and password and that is the Team Agent that MUST have full access to all operations.
There must be something wrong on Apple side...
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Licensed User
A new experiment. I used Xcode on the Mac, opening the project built by B4i local compiler (nice to see how the B4i statements are converted in Objective-C) . I started the Program Loader, trying to upload the compiled App; even in this case I have username / password error accessing iTunes Connect. I'm pretty sure that there is an issue on Apple server. It recognizes me as "Team Agent" account on Apple Developer page, but refuses to give me access to iTunes Connect. The only other test I have to do is to try the connection via ADSL, 'cause at this moment I am on the Internet using a 4G router.

Update: test done using ADSL. The behaviour doesn't change...
In the attached image you can see the screenshot of the page reached using my credentials of "Team Agent". The same happens if I use another user account I created as Admin, in the Apple Developers Program page. Note at top right the firm's name (obfuscated) with descending menu.

At this point, probably, I have to contact Apple support. :(

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Licensed User
Solved. A phone call to Apple support (Italy) solved the problem. They verified an access problem on iTunes Connect site and solved it in less than one hour, apologizing for the inconvenience. All right, now I can go to the next step. Thanks for support and advices.
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