B4R Question [SOLVED] Convert Byte Array to String to Long


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For a project exploring sending data from an Arduino with 433RF transmitter to Domoticz Homeautomation.
Created a B4R library rX10RF (wrapped and enhanced from X10RF lib) which enables to sent a Long (with max value FFFFFF, 3 Bytes) to a RFXMeter in Domoticz.
One of the tests is to sent the state 0 or 1 of various switches as Long. As the rX10RF library Long uses 3 Bytes, 3 switches can be defined, i.e. 010001 (switch 1=1, 2=0, 3=1).

Instead using Bytes, thinking of creating a Long value from the switch states.
Example: 5 switches, with state 0,1,1,0,1, converted to Long with leading 1 = 101101. The Long 101101 is then parsed by Domoticz (split into array with 1+5 entries).

Question: How to create the Long 101101 from the Byte array?

Start snippet but got stuck...
'Byte Array for the 5 switches which have state 0 or 1
Private switches(5) As Byte
'Set random state for the switches. Use larger random range instead 0,1 to get higher probability for value changes.
For i = 0 To 4
    switches(i) = IIf(Rnd(0,10) <= 5, 0, 1)
' Loop over the Byte array to check the values
For Each b As Byte In switches
    Log("b=", b, " (", bc.HexFromBytes(Array As Byte(b)), ")")
    'b=1 (01) ...
'Create Long i.e. 101101 from the Byte array
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not the best way probably
using decimal digits as binary digits is mildly inefficient, ie you're only using 2 digit values (0 and 1) out of a possible 10 digit values (0, 1, 2, ,3, 4, 5 ,6 ,7, 8 and 9) but if you're doing it that way because it's easier to read at the other end, then: fair enough, no worries ?

3 bytes = 24 bits = values 0 to 16777215 = enough room for your leading 1 followed by up to 7 switch values of 0 or 1

(or even 7 eg rotary selectors or multi-level dimmers each having up to 7 states ie 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ✌️)

Rather than using strings (because this), consider just building the Long value directly, eg with these three lines:

'Switches state string starting with leading 1
Dim switchesState...


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Done in B4J not B4R but should all still work except may for the string concatenations in the Log()s

Pack and unpack switch array to/from integer value:
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Dim NumSwitches As Int = 5
Dim Switches(NumSwitches) As Byte    'or any integer type
'Byte Array for the 5 switches which have state 0 or 1
'Set random state for the switches. Use larger random range instead 0,1 to get higher probability for value changes.
For i = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
    switches(i) = Rnd(0, 2)
' Loop over the Byte array to check the values
For Each b As Byte In switches
    Log("b=" & b & " (" & bc.HexFromBytes(Array As Byte(b)) & ")")
    'b=1 (01) ...
'Create Long i.e. 101101 from the Byte array
Dim AllSwitches As Int = 0    'or any integer type big enough to hold value of 2 ^ NumSwitches - 1
Dim OneBit As Int = 1
For I = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
    If switches(i) <> 0 Then
        AllSwitches = AllSwitches + OneBit    'poor man's bitwise or
    End If
    OneBit = OneBit + OneBit    'poor man's shift left to next bit column value
Log("All switches in one number = " & AllSwitches & " (decimal) or " & bc.HexFromBytes(bc.IntsToBytes(Array As Int(AllSwitches))) & " (hexadecimal)")
'now to unpack individual switch values from bits packed in single integer
Dim Switchback(NumSwitches) As Byte    'or any integer type
Dim OneBit As Int = 1
For I = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
    If Bit.And(AllSwitches, OneBit) <> 0 Then
        Switchback(I) = 1
    End If
    OneBit = OneBit + OneBit
For I = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
    Log("Switchback(" & I & ") = " & Switchback(i))

Log output::
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
b=1 (01)
b=1 (01)
b=0 (00)
b=1 (01)
b=0 (00)
All switches in one number = 11 (decimal) or 0000000B (hexadecimal)
Switchback(0) = 1
Switchback(1) = 1
Switchback(2) = 0
Switchback(3) = 1
Switchback(4) = 0
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TBH if you've only got a small number of switches, you might be better doing the packing and unpacking "manually" eg:

Dim NumSwitches As Int = 5
Dim Switches(NumSwitches) As Byte
Switches(0) = Rnd(0, 2)
Switches(1) = Rnd(0, 2)
Switches(2) = Rnd(0, 2)
Switches(3) = Rnd(0, 2)
Switches(4) = Rnd(0, 2)

'pack Switches() to AllSwitches

Dim AllSwitches As Int = 0    'or byte, for up to 7 switches
If Switches(0) <> 0 Then AllSwitches = AllSwitches + 1
If Switches(1) <> 0 Then AllSwitches = AllSwitches + 2
If Switches(2) <> 0 Then AllSwitches = AllSwitches + 4
If Switches(3) <> 0 Then AllSwitches = AllSwitches + 8
If Switches(4) <> 0 Then AllSwitches = AllSwitches + 16

'unpack AllSwitches to Switches()

Dim Switches(NumSwitches) As Byte    'to clear all back to 0'
If Bit.And(AllSwitches,  1) <> 0 Then Switches(0) = 1
If Bit.And(AllSwitches,  2) <> 0 Then Switches(1) = 1
If Bit.And(AllSwitches,  4) <> 0 Then Switches(2) = 1
If Bit.And(AllSwitches,  8) <> 0 Then Switches(3) = 1
If Bit.And(AllSwitches, 16) <> 0 Then Switches(4) = 1
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@emexes: Thanks for the steer.
Took another approach using JoinStrings to get the Long in kind of binary format = not the best way probably.
Will explore if can use Bit.And instead of JoinStrings and also check the Long length within the 3 Byte limitation.

'Switches state string starting with leading 1
Dim switchesState As String = "1"
'Add the switch state 0 or 1 to the switchesState string
For i = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
   Dim n As Byte = IIf(Rnd(0,10) <= 5, 0, 1)
   switchesState = JoinStrings(Array As String(switchesState, n))
   Log("Switch ", i, "=", n)
Dim switchesStateValue As Long = switchesState
Log("Sending to Domoticz ", NumSwitches, " switches with state packed as Long ", switchesStateValue, " (with leading 1)")

'Switch 0=1
'Switch 1=1
'Switch 2=0
'Switch 3=1
'Switch 4=0
'Sending To Domoticz 5 Switches with state packed As Long 111010 (with leading 1)

Here screenshot Domoticz Device with Long received. An automation event (Lua) parses the data and sets the switches state indicators.
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not the best way probably
using decimal digits as binary digits is mildly inefficient, ie you're only using 2 digit values (0 and 1) out of a possible 10 digit values (0, 1, 2, ,3, 4, 5 ,6 ,7, 8 and 9) but if you're doing it that way because it's easier to read at the other end, then: fair enough, no worries ?

3 bytes = 24 bits = values 0 to 16777215 = enough room for your leading 1 followed by up to 7 switch values of 0 or 1

(or even 7 eg rotary selectors or multi-level dimmers each having up to 7 states ie 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ✌️)

Rather than using strings (because this), consider just building the Long value directly, eg with these three lines:

'Switches state string starting with leading 1
Dim switchesState As String = "1"
Dim FasterSwitchesStateValue As Long = 1
'Add the switch state 0 or 1 to the switchesState string
For i = 0 To NumSwitches - 1
   Dim n As Byte = IIf(Rnd(0,10) <= 5, 0, 1)    'just realized this is 60:40 not 50:50
   switchesState = JoinStrings(Array As String(switchesState, n))
   FasterSwitchesStateValue = FasterSwitchesStateValue * 10 + n    'changing 10 to 2 will pack in binary (base 2) rather than decimal (base 10) = 3x as many switches
   Log("Switch ", i, "=", n)
Dim switchesStateValue As Long = switchesState
Log("Sending to Domoticz ", NumSwitches, " switches with state packed as Long ", switchesStateValue, " (with leading 1)")
Log("Sending to Domoticz ", NumSwitches, " switches with state packed as Long ", FasterSwitchesStateValue, " (with leading 1)")

'Switch 0=1
'Switch 1=1
'Switch 2=0
'Switch 3=1
'Switch 4=0
'Sending To Domoticz 5 Switches with state packed As Long 111010 (with leading 1)

and once you've confirmed that the integer math method works, then the string method lines 2, 7, 11 and 12 can be removed / commented out.
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FasterSwitchesStateValue = FasterSwitchesStateValue * 10 + n 'changing 10 to 2 will pack in binary (base 2) rather than decimal (base 10) = 3x as many switches

YES :), this simple math is what I have been looking for (could not get my head around :(). Working fine.
Thanks again for the help and learning.
Now up to next X10RF sample solutions...
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