Hi! Anyone can help me on how will i implement a timer in LibGdx?..
Im creating a countdown timer that i will use on the game im creating.
Then on every timer tick (per second), subtract 1 to COUNTDOWN_TIMER
EDIT: Found the Solution
Im creating a countdown timer that i will use on the game im creating.
Sub Globals
Dim COUNTDOWN_TIMER As Int = 60 'equiv. to 60 seconds
End Sub
Then on every timer tick (per second), subtract 1 to COUNTDOWN_TIMER
EDIT: Found the Solution
#Event: Tick()
'Class module
Private Sub Class_Globals
Public Interval As Float = 1 'Interval in seconds
Private DELTA_TIME_COUNTER As Float = 0
Private ParentActivity As Object
Private EventHandle As String
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
'Example: Initialize(Me, "Timer", 1)
Public Sub Initialize(mParent As Object, mEventHandle As String, mInterval As Float)
ParentActivity = mParent
Interval = mInterval
EventHandle = mEventHandle
End Sub
Sub UpdateTimer(DeltaTime As Float)
If DELTA_TIME_COUNTER >= Interval Then
If SubExists(ParentActivity, EventHandle & "_Tick") Then
CallSub(ParentActivity, EventHandle & "_Tick")
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FormatToTime(TimeInSeconds As Float) As String
Dim s1 As String = NumberFormat(Floor(TimeInSeconds / 60), 2, 0)
Dim s2 As String = NumberFormat(TimeInSeconds Mod 60, 2, 0)
Return s1 & ":" & s2
End Sub
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