Well, it could be an stupid question, but i didn't found the way of know the name of an object by code.
My case: I'm sharing one event between 4 edittexts with the casting tecnic.
As you can see, I'm using the tag to know who rise the event.
No problem, but for me should be easer to know Sender name, becuase if you forget to set tag by code or in design those edits soudn't work properly. For me it's a way to reduce errors in the future if i use this tecnic again.
Thanks and sorry for my english.
My case: I'm sharing one event between 4 edittexts with the casting tecnic.
Sub edHour_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
If HasFocus Then
Dim ed As EditText
Dim sTag As String
ed = Sender
sTag = ed.Tag
ShowHourDialog(ed, sTag)
End If
End Sub
No problem, but for me should be easer to know Sender name, becuase if you forget to set tag by code or in design those edits soudn't work properly. For me it's a way to reduce errors in the future if i use this tecnic again.
Thanks and sorry for my english.