I am facing a problem I can't understand.
While trying to read some entries :
android.title = null
android.infoText = 2 cartes
android.title = Casa
android.text = null
android.bigText = null
The code I am using is derived from the NotificationListener example :
Please do you see why I can't get the values by fields depending on the notification ?
If I can not access the extras by field, how could I get the whole extras string to parse it ?
Many thanks
I am facing a problem I can't understand.
While trying to read some entries :
I get only :(Bundle) Bundle[{android.title=Porto - Lisboa : 18°, android.subText=null, android.showChronometer=false, android.icon=2130838475, android.text=Ensoleillé, android.progress=0, android.progressMax=0, android.showWhen=true, android.rebuild.applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{dccc5e com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox}, android.largeIcon=android.graphics.Bitmap@12fbd83f, android.infoText=2 cartes, android.originatingUserId=0, android.progressIndeterminate=false}]
android.title = null
android.infoText = 2 cartes
I get that time :(Bundle) Bundle[{android.title=Casa, android.subText=null, android.template=android.app.Notification$BigTextStyle, android.showChronometer=false, android.icon=2130837792, android.text=Test, android.progress=0, android.progressMax=0, android.showWhen=true, android.rebuild.applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{314955b0 com.android.mms}, android.people=[Ljava.lang.String;@a754c29, android.largeIcon=android.graphics.Bitmap@1dc1bae, android.bigText=Test, android.infoText=null, android.originatingUserId=0, android.progressIndeterminate=false}]
android.title = Casa
android.text = null
android.bigText = null
The code I am using is derived from the NotificationListener example :
Sub Listener_NotificationPosted (SBN As StatusBarNotification)
Log("NotificationPosted, package = " & SBN.PackageName & ", id = " & SBN.Id & _
", text = " & SBN.TickerText)
Dim p As Phone
If p.SdkVersion >= 19 Then
Dim jno As JavaObject = SBN.Notification
Dim extras As JavaObject = jno.GetField("extras")
extras.RunMethod("size", Null)
Dim title As String = extras.RunMethod("getString", Array As Object("android.title"))
LogColor("Title = " & title, Colors.Blue)
Dim StringToGet As List
StringToGet.AddAll(Array As String("android.title","android.text","android.subText","android.bigText","android.infoText"))
For loopMe=0 To StringToGet.Size-1
Log($" ${StringToGet.Get(loopMe)} = ${extras.RunMethod("getString", Array As Object(StringToGet.Get(loopMe)))} "$)
End If
End Sub
Please do you see why I can't get the values by fields depending on the notification ?
If I can not access the extras by field, how could I get the whole extras string to parse it ?
Many thanks