B4R Question [SOLVED]rESP8266FileSystem v1.11 compatible with ESP8266 V2.5.0?


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Previously functional code, of which this is an extract:

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private usocket As WiFiUDP
    Private wifi As ESP8266WiFi
    Private fs As ESP8266FileSystem
    Private ip(4) As Byte
    Private port As UInt = 3661
    Private astream As AsyncStreams
    Private bc As ByteConverter
    Private lcd As LiquidCrystal
    Private PIN_A0, PIN_CLK, PIN_DATA As Pin
    Private btnValues() As UInt = Array As UInt(50, 180, 330, 520, 820, 1025) ' RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, SELECT, NO BUTTON
    Private btn As UInt
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    astream.Initialize(Serial1.Stream, "astream_NewData", "astream_Error")
    lcd.Initialize(16, 255, 2, Array As Byte (12, 13, 14, 15))
    lcd.Begin(16, 2)
    PIN_A0.Initialize(PIN_A0.A0, PIN_A0.MODE_INPUT)
    PIN_CLK.AddListener("PIN_CLK_StateChanged")        'in lieu of attachInterrupt(1, clkStatusFall, FALLING)
    If(fs.initialize) Then
        Log("File system successfully initialized")
        Log("Could not initialize filesystem")
    End If
End Sub

cannot now initialize the file system.

Has anyone else encountered an issue with rESP8266FileSystem since updating the ESP8266 SDK?

Note that I am using ESP8266 V2.5.0 because updating it to the latest version (2.5.2) appears to cause problems with rESP8266WiFi V1.4


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My bad as the young people say!

I hadn't noticed in the updated Board Selector dialog box that I had selected an option (eesz) without an allocation for SPIFFS, ie. 4M.

Changing that to 4M1M resolved the problem:

Thanks for letting me use this community as a sounding board.
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