The AS ViewPager is a great lib from @Alexander Stolte .
I based in this example to create a slider with auto play and a label:
I'm trying to put a round corner in the panel of the slide, but I get this behaviour:
This is the code that I changed in the original example:
How I can set a border with the background transparent, like this:
Thanks in advance for any tip .
I based in this example to create a slider with auto play and a label:
[B4X] AS ViewPager - Auto Play
In this example project you can see how to add an auto play feautre to the AS ViewPager. Sub Class_Globals Private tmr_AutoPlay As Timer End Sub Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)...
I'm trying to put a round corner in the panel of the slide, but I get this behaviour:
This is the code that I changed in the original example:
Dim cor As Int
For i = 0 To 5
Dim tmp_xpnl As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
cor = xui.Color_ARGB(255,Rnd(1,255),Rnd(1,255),Rnd(1,255))
tmp_xpnl.SetColorAndBorder(cor, 2dip, xui.Color_Gray, 30dip)
Dim lb As Label
tmp_xpnl.AddView(lb, 25dip, 25dip, tmp_xpnl.Width - 50dip, tmp_xpnl.Height - 50dip)
lb.Color = xui.Color_Cyan
lb.TextColor = xui.Color_White
lb.TextSize = 30
lb.Text = "Test" & i
ASViewPager1.AddPage(tmp_xpnl,"Test" & i)
Thanks in advance for any tip .