B4J Question (solved) webservice : Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $

jose luis gudino

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi everyone:
I am performing a web service to consume third party data and I have everything ready, the code is as follows:

Dim webserviceMap As Map = CreateMap("tokenOperacion":"WXP8BP8fRlcIYo22NKuovHj5e1GJ0qDMTxsmADz1y08lILYdeAq2kFutQrpx4ZQg7FYWiZQgpPtdlk4R7yWqIWerq3gDSsAKfzWB", _
    "vendedor":"CV2016", _
    "sucursal":"108412345", _
    "pagoConcepto":CreateMap("referencia":"12000012", _
                             "valor":"30000","numeroTransaccion":"11288266", _
                             "fechaPago":"10/07/2019" , _
                             "horaPago":"04:32:05", _
    "datosAdicionales": Array (CreateMap("nombre":"Dato1","valor":"2258899"), _
                              (CreateMap("nombre":"Dato2","valor":"Carrera 1 No 001")), _
    Dim Data As List
    Dim JSONGenerator As JSONGenerator
    Dim Job2 As HttpJob
    Dim json As String
    json = JSONGenerator.ToString.SubString(1)
    json = json.SubString2(0,json.Length-1)
    Job2.PostString("", json)
    Job2.GetRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    Job2.GetRequest.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")

and the json file obtained is the following:

    "tokenOperacion": "WXP8BP8fRlcIYo22NKuovHj5e1GJ0qDMTxsmADz1y08lILYdeAq2kFutQrpx4ZQg7FYWiZQgpPtdlk4R7yWqIWerq3gDSsAKfzWB",
    "vendedor": "CV2016",
    "pagoConcepto": {
        "numeroTransaccion": "11288266",
        "valor": "30000",
        "horaPago": "04:32:05",
        "datosAdicionales": [
                "valor": "2258899",
                "nombre": "Dato1"
                "valor": "Carrera 1 No 001",
                "nombre": "Dato2"
                "valor": "4955555",
                "nombre": "DatoN"
        "referencia": "12000012",
        "fechaPago": "10\/07\/2019"
    "sucursal": "108412345"

Now the problem is the following if I send the json file from Postman, everything works correctly, but if I send it from my application the following error appears:

"Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $"

When checking the webservice log when it receives the query from Postman it has this information:

JSON: { "tokenOpe

but when it receives it from my application it appears in the log:

JSON: %7B%22tokenOper

someone has an idea of what may be happening

thanks in advance

jose luis gudino

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I wrote this in the header, and it worked
Thank you all for your time.

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