Hi, I've some ideas to share...
Is it possible when the TextBox is in multiline mode to change dynamicly the "Text" field to "Multline Text" and change also the field mode in multiline for don't try to type the text on the "Text" field, it'll could be more easy for user...
Is it possible to change the Attribute area style and make a list like "Visual Studio" or other? With more attributes like "Dock" (Control type), AutoScroll (Form type) etc, it'll could be faster to set some attribute directly on the Designer and look how it sound on our device/Desktop after compiling without click on the "Run" button...
I noticed also that it's unable to type " on the designer... Maybe could you change to " (or other charactere) when we save and when we reopen change " to " (just an idea)...
Is it possible to change the Form navigation with a Tab system? It could be easier and faster to edit a lot of Form in same time without view "Do you want save" in each time we want go on an other Form...
Is it possible to add a event without view the confirm box "Do you want save"? Sometime we want set several events in same time...
Also is it possible to let the user to choose if he want save automaticly the Form editing after closing (With a checkbox by example in the Form designer or otherwise...)...
I hope that some of theses ideas are usefull and possible...
Thanks for your comments and reading
I forgot:
Is it possible to by example type:
But I think that it's not possibe...
Is it possible when the TextBox is in multiline mode to change dynamicly the "Text" field to "Multline Text" and change also the field mode in multiline for don't try to type the text on the "Text" field, it'll could be more easy for user...
Is it possible to change the Attribute area style and make a list like "Visual Studio" or other? With more attributes like "Dock" (Control type), AutoScroll (Form type) etc, it'll could be faster to set some attribute directly on the Designer and look how it sound on our device/Desktop after compiling without click on the "Run" button...
I noticed also that it's unable to type " on the designer... Maybe could you change to " (or other charactere) when we save and when we reopen change " to " (just an idea)...
Is it possible to change the Form navigation with a Tab system? It could be easier and faster to edit a lot of Form in same time without view "Do you want save" in each time we want go on an other Form...
Is it possible to add a event without view the confirm box "Do you want save"? Sometime we want set several events in same time...
Also is it possible to let the user to choose if he want save automaticly the Form editing after closing (With a checkbox by example in the Form designer or otherwise...)...
I hope that some of theses ideas are usefull and possible...
Thanks for your comments and reading
I forgot:
Is it possible to by example type:
a.Text="New Text..."
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