speech: detect when text has spoken


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could the following be implemented?

from android docs

Using optional parameters for playback completion callbacks

Note that speak() calls are asynchronous, so they will return well before the text is done being synthesized and played by Android, regardless of the use of QUEUE_FLUSH or QUEUE_ADD. But you might need to know when a particular utterance is done playing. For instance you might want to start playing an annoying music after myText2 has finished synthesizing (remember, we're trying to wake up the user). We will again use an optional parameter, this time to tag our utterance as one we want to identify. We also need to make sure our activity implements the TextToSpeech.OnUtteranceCompletedListener interface:

mTts.speak(myText1, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, myHashAlarm);
        "end of wakeup message ID");
// myHashAlarm now contains two optional parameters
mTts.speak(myText2, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, myHashAlarm);
And the Activity gets notified of the completion in the implementation of the listener:

public void onUtteranceCompleted(String uttId) {
    if (uttId == "end of wakeup message ID") {
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