I've run into a major problem. I've got a program which, on a given form, creates a number of controls dynamically. The program queries an SQLite table and pulls certain records to determine which controls need to be created. The query works fine, and very quickly.
Okay. So I run through all the records returned by the query and start creating controls. For each record, there's one button and two labels. I also add an event to handle the 'click' event from the button.
In all, I'm creating 28 groups of controls, for a total of 84 controls - and it *takes forever* to complete. Five seconds may not sound like a long time, but for this application, it's just totally unacceptable.
So without hard-coding the controls, is there a way to speed this process up? I've shaved a little time off the process, but it's not nearly enough.
The part of the formVisitCat_Show subroutine that does the work (and takes so long) follows:
I know someone will ask - AddEventManager checks to see if a given event has already been added to a control with a specific name. Returns 1 or 0.
BTW, this takes about 5 seconds on an AT&T (HTC) 8125 running a 400mhz Samsung CPU. It takes about 0.1 seconds on my desktop running a 2.5 ghz AMD.
The device is running WM5 w/.Net 2.0. (This wouldn't have anything to do with which service packs of .Net I've got installed, would it?)
It's time for this application to launch and I've got to get over this performance issue - so any help at all, as always, is greatly appreciated.
Okay. So I run through all the records returned by the query and start creating controls. For each record, there's one button and two labels. I also add an event to handle the 'click' event from the button.
In all, I'm creating 28 groups of controls, for a total of 84 controls - and it *takes forever* to complete. Five seconds may not sound like a long time, but for this application, it's just totally unacceptable.
So without hard-coding the controls, is there a way to speed this process up? I've shaved a little time off the process, but it's not nearly enough.
The part of the formVisitCat_Show subroutine that does the work (and takes so long) follows:
Do While reader.ReadNextRow = True
myCat = reader.GetValue(0)
temp = "BUTTONC" & myCat
AddButton( "formVisitCat", temp, 1, i, 19, 15, "*" ) ' "(S)"
Control( temp ).Color = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsStandardButton )
Control( temp ).FontColor = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsStandardButtonFont )
Control( temp ).FontSize = 7
Control( temp ).BringToFront
If AddEventManager( temp, "Click", "startQuestions") = 0 Then
AddEvent( temp, Click, "startQuestions")
End If
temp = "CATC" & myCat
AddLabel( "formVisitCat", temp, 20, i, 210, 15, myCat)
Control( temp ).Color = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsRadioAndCheckbox )
Control( temp ).FontColor = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsRadioAndCheckboxFont )
temp = "STATC" & myCat
AddLabel( "formVisitCat", temp, 230, i, 90, 15, "Pending")
Control( temp ).Color = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsRadioAndCheckbox )
Control( temp ).FontColor = = colorPrefs.GetPixel1( 20, kColorPrefsRadioAndCheckboxFont )
gCategoryList = gCategoryList & myCat & ","
i = i + 15
gQuestionCount = 0
gQuestionList = ""
gQuestionCount = reader.GetValue(1)
iHowManyAnswered = reader.GetValue(2)
If gSetCategoryFlag <> true Then Return
' set the value of the 'status' field. update visit status if required.
If iHowManyAnswered = 0 Then
Control( "STATC" & myCat ).Text = "Pending"
End If
If iHowManyAnswered > 0 Then
Control( "STATC" & myCat ).Text = "" & iHowManyAnswered & " of " & gQuestionCount
End If
If iHowManyAnswered = gQuestionCount Then
Control( "STATC" & myCat ).Text = "Complete"
End If
If gQuestionCount = 0 Then
Control( "STATC" & myCat ).Text = "Optional"
End If
I know someone will ask - AddEventManager checks to see if a given event has already been added to a control with a specific name. Returns 1 or 0.
BTW, this takes about 5 seconds on an AT&T (HTC) 8125 running a 400mhz Samsung CPU. It takes about 0.1 seconds on my desktop running a 2.5 ghz AMD.
The device is running WM5 w/.Net 2.0. (This wouldn't have anything to do with which service packs of .Net I've got installed, would it?)
It's time for this application to launch and I've got to get over this performance issue - so any help at all, as always, is greatly appreciated.
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