Spinner and content


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Hi to all!
there is a way to display in a spinner view a couple of values but only one of the couple visible to the user ?

Thanks in advance !


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Longtime User

I try to explain better :

I have a spinner with values loaded from a column table (SQLite db).

Example :

"WolksWagen Golf"
"Fiat Punto"
"BMW Series 3"

I need to known the record Id (int) of the value selected from user using the spinner.

So my idea of possible solutions is :

1) I load 2 colums in the spinner :
"WolksWagen Golf" | 1
*** The value at the right (1) if the pipe should be hidden

2) When I load the value from the table a store the two colums "text" and Id in array structure in order to lookup the string and known the Id value of the record stored in the array.

3) Doing a query in the db and lookup the index value I need.
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