Sub Spinner1_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim m As Map
m = dbutils.ExecuteMap(Main.SQL, "SELECT * FROM azienda WHERE id = ?", _
Array As String(Value))
If m.IsInitialized = False Then 'Null will return if there is no match
ragioedit.Text = ""
ragioedit.Text = m.Get("ragione")
indiedit.Text = m.Get("indirizzo")
proedit.Text = m.Get("provincia")
capedit.Text = m.Get("cap")
teledit.Text = m.Get("telefono")
ivaedit.Text = m.Get("iva")
locedit.Text = m.Get("localita")
End If
end sub
with this code in the log says no records found but I tried to read the database with sqlite viewer B4a and records do exist!!!