Spinner Text


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I am using several spinner and they work as planned but I was wondering if instead of them by default showing an item in the list that they display when clicked, is there a way to make them show a default text? Such as "Select an item" or something like that?


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Whenever I needed something like this, I added the spinner's text in position 0. I don't like it much since user can select this item, but of course this can be handled by code.
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Peter Simpson

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From the top of my head I believe you can do this.

Spinner1.Add("Select an item") 'ADD THIS TEXT TO SPINNER FIRST, or use Spinner1.AddAll is adding all items manually
'If not using Spinner1.AddAll then add your routine to add extra items to spinner here
Spinner1.SelectedIndex = 0

I hope that this helps

You can then make sure that all the spinners have been selected by checking that their SelectedIndex is not 0.
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Thanks guys. I ended up using a button that triggered the spinner code. Works perfectly!
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