Android Question SQL inititalize - howto?


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I try to get through the demos and the manuals, but it´s difficult. Most of the demos crashing on start, i don´t know if there is any java-issue - but in fact they are not running :(...
So i try to made it with the manuals - but this is also difficult. Example: sqlight

The manual describes on page 8 how to init
SQLite Databases Guide for Android, iOS, Java & Arduino / ESP8266 Programming (

So i try it in B4J

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private sql1 As SQL
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    #if B4J
    sql1.Initializesqlite(File.DirData("test") ,"Test.db",True)
    #end if
    #if B4A
    sql1.Initialize(File.DirInternal("test"), "Test.db", True)
    #end if
    CreateTabIfNotExist("Test2","[Name] TEXT,[Ort] TEXT,[ID] INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY([ID] AUTOINCREMENT)")
    sql1.ExecNonQuery("Insert into test2(name,ort) values('hugo egon','bochum')")
    Dim resultset As ResultSet = sql1.ExecQuery("select * from test2 order by [name] asc")
    Do While resultset.NextRow
        Log(resultset.GetString("Name") & TAB & resultset.getstring("ort") & TAB & resultset.getint("id"))
    Root = Root1
End Sub

Sub CreateTabIfNotExist(TabName As String, TabDefinition As String)
    Dim resultSet As ResultSet = sql1.ExecQuery("select name from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='" & TabName & "'")
    If resultSet.NextRow=False Then
        Log("Tabelle " & TabName & " wird erzeugt..."):    sql1.ExecNonQuery("Create Table [" & TabName & "] (" & TabDefinition & ")")
        Log("Tabelle " & TabName & " gefunden!")
    End If
End Sub

Ok, i´m wondering why there is no .eof at the resultset, but when i finaly come to the sql-syntax everything is fine.
The Manual says the init is different between b4j and b4a / i. I copy/past it, but i got an exeption in b4a... in b4j it works like expected. i have no idea why.

Fehlerbeschreibung: Array erwartet.
Fehler in Zeile: 21
sql1.Initialize(File.DirInternal("test"), "Test.db", True)
Word: (

The lib in b4j called jSQL, in b4a only SQL. Is it the same?



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I see no option to withdraw my question - it´s already solved with try & error.
For b4a "sql1.Initialize(File.DirInternal,"Test.db",True)" is correct...
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Longtime User
it´s already solved
It is still a mystery to me how you were able to get this code to work. When you create the definition of the table:
[ID] INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY you use upper case for ID and when you display the data:
resultset.getint("id") id is in lower case. The column names are case sensitive, so you should have gotten an error for this. The same thing with column name Ort and ort are not the same
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Active Member
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You are absolutely right Mahares. In B4A the column-names are case-sensitive, in B4J not. Just because the initialize failed i did not reached this point. So i did not see this at the beginning and forgot to write it in my second post.

#if b4j
    sql1.Initializesqlite(File.DirData("test") ,"Test.db",True)
#end if
#if b4a
#End If

was the missing Part for me. But to clarify it - yes, to work under B4A the column-names must case-sensitive.
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