Android Question SQlite large query from file


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Hi !

I'm searching a way to execute INSERT big query inside my SQLite database.

As i have a lot of items, could i 'load' the query from a text file ? So could you help me with the syntax...

It's a nightmare to edit the query inside the IDE. (it was a Mysql query)

Dim Query as String

Query = " " & <--- data from the file.txt --> & " "

and my file.txt :

insert into t_big_table values ( ... a lot of ...)

Many thanks


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If your query's syntax is compatible with sqlite (I see few reasons why it's not), then you can just begin a transaction (as Erel previously suggested) and then execute a nonQuery containing the file.readString(your query's txt file). If for some reason your query is not exactly suitable for such action, you can always split your txt file into many rows and pass them to sqlite using a loop.
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