Android Question states.State_Hovered

Martin Domian

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Longtime User

I want the buttons to behave the same as DefaultDrawable, but with my colors:

Then the hover effect disappears. I move the mouse over it and nothing happens.
State_Hovered is supported by Android, but is not available in B4A. But since it works with the default setting, there must be an easy way.

here is the way, which is not working.

Thanks for any ideas


Sub CreateStateDrawable(normalColor As Int, pressedColor As Int, focusedColor As Int) As StateListDrawable
Dim states As StateListDrawable

' Gedrückt
Dim pressedDrawable As GradientDrawable
pressedDrawable.Initialize("TR_BL", Array As Int(pressedColor, pressedColor))
states.AddState(states.State_Pressed, pressedDrawable)

' Fokus
Dim focusedDrawable As GradientDrawable
focusedDrawable.Initialize("TR_BL", Array As Int(focusedColor, focusedColor))
states.AddState(states.State_Focused, focusedDrawable)

' Normal
Dim normalDrawable As GradientDrawable
normalDrawable.Initialize("TR_BL", Array As Int(normalColor, normalColor))
states.AddState(states.State_Enabled, normalDrawable)

Return states
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
there is no hovered state for a button. there is one for a view (which is what you were probably referring to).
to get that to work with a button, you need a listener. but not an ontouch listener. a genericmotion listener is needed.
that's a little trickier than a standard listener. i'm looking into that. if someone else beats me to it, no problem.
otherwise, i'll post as soon as i can get it running.
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Martin Domian

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks. I do not understand why so tricky.
I set the Button View to Standard, then it works.
This app is for TV Box which is used my mouse
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Licensed User
Longtime User
now you mention a mouse. i have a listener but i did not know you had an external input device (an android smartphone has no way of know where your finger is unless you touch the screen). i do not have a tv box, so i cannot test my listener. i will see if an otc mouse works.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
yes, an otc mouse on an android smartphone will respond to onhover. add this to your project:
#if Java

import android.view.View;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.InputDevice;

    public void makeHoverable( View v, int hoveredColor, int normalColor ) {
        v.setOnGenericMotionListener(new View.OnGenericMotionListener() {
            public boolean onGenericMotion(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                if (event.getSource() == InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE) {
                    switch (event.getAction()) {
                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER:
                            return true;
                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT:
                            return true;
                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE:
                            // Handle hover move
                            return true;
                return false;

in main, add this to oncreate:
    Dim jo As JavaObject
    jo.RunMethod("makeHoverable",Array( button1, hoveredColor, normalColor))

or you could stick it in your CreateStateDrawable(normalColor As Int, pressedColor As Int, focusedColor As Int, hoveredColor As Int) As StateListDrawable sub.
it doesn't have any adverse effect on your statedrawables. it has nothing to do with them.

i would post screen captures to show it working, but the screen photo tool doesn't work with b4a bridge, and the mouse is plugged into my usb port. i can only tell you it works with a mouse on my phone.
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Martin Domian

Licensed User
Longtime User
it's so fare not working, but i spend still not so much time on it... It will zoon
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Martin Domian

Licensed User
Longtime User

Thanks so far, it works. But after hoover the button my style of the Button is gone, or set Back to default.
So, next issue ;-)

But thanks I got a step forward
Poco a poco
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