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First of all, I want to thank Erel for both the incredibly prompt support and all round good-guy-ness as well as everyone else who seem to spend a huge amount of their free time helping others to further their B4A exploits. All of the forums answers, tutorials and little code tid-bits are invaluable.

Moving on, I made this pretty crude app that allows you to post a status to Facebook pretending to be using a different device (i.e instead of "via Facebook for Android" you can have "via The Starship Enterprise")

I did it mostly as a learning experience for myself. I reckon it paid off pretty well. The app works and I think I now have a fairly good knowledge of the fundamentals of B4A.

In terms of what it actually does:
  • Reads and writes to permanent storage
  • Automatically updates using my own website
  • Utilises WebViews to do most of the work
  • Programmatically create layout to give the best compatibility
  • Inserts an AdMob ad
What I would have liked to have done:
  • Actually use the Facebook API rather than hashy WebView workarounds
Anyway, it's on the market if you want to have a look

I've also uploaded the source just in case it's of any use to anyone


Main Screen:

End Result:


    46.1 KB · Views: 885
  • snap20110724_090021.jpg
    10.1 KB · Views: 13,380
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Seems nicely done.
Isn't there a way to add your own 'device name'.
I also wonder how you achieved it.

If you did it on server end, you can send a string post method from the app with the name of 'the device' (e.g. Banana Smartphone) to your listening PHP server and give it your own name.
Edit: Also sending your own picture to use would be possible with POST if you work on server's end

Nice work!



Licensed User
Longtime User
You are living dead threads, where did u find this thread its 3 years old :confused:

i think he used b4a v1.2 lol