Android Question Steps to Upload APK files to google play store


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Could anyone suggest as what are all the steps to upload the APK files at Google Play store.
I have already purchased google play store but not sure about what are the steps to follow from B4A end before upload the APK to play store.



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Perhaps you have already but, I suggest that you put your question into the search field above on any page of this forum. There have been many discussions on this subject. Hopefully, you can also get some informative responses here with your thread but you can likely learn from those previous discussions as well.
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Brian Dean

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When you first open the Play Console it can be rather overwhelming, and it is difficult sometimes to see the wood for the trees. Because they are so many options and different varieties of app nobody is going to write a full manual/tutorial to guide you through, but here are some steps to get you started ...

- On the "All Apps" page click on the "Create App" button (top right) and answer the questions.
- Once you have created an app the first area to work on is "Store Presence" and the "Main Store Listing". Note that, as a minimum, you only have to provide (as far as I recall) three sample screen shots and a main shop window image, plus an app description and answers to a few questions
- The final essential step is in the "Production" area where you "Create new release" (button top right).

If you hit a problem then that is the time to ask for specific help, but I agree with @Shelby - most questions have already been asked and answered somewhere.
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B4X founder
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You should use min target Sdk to 29, otherwise, play store will reject it!
Accurate terms are very important. Don't confuse minSdkVersion with targetSdkVersion.
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