Android Question Store API keys for backends/services


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A new app. called Packet Capture makes it very easy for any user/hacker to see what is going on in your app. when calling backends and external services. Even SSL traffic can easily be seen.

This brings up the discussion again how to savely call REST services inside B4A/Android when API keys need to be supplied.

I have tested several apps. with Packet Capture and indeed I can debug any api call in an easy way.

I don't see a solution for this problem except by using a public/private key combination which is not available in our toolset yet.

Security is becoming a real issue in Android this way.

Any working suggestions?


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Erel, sure you are right tool wise but this is a serious problem and we cannot neglect it. I'm using B4A so i'm asking the developer of my favorite tool how we should handle it in B4A.

More and more apps. are connected to backends so this becomes a bigger issues over time.

I think the best way is to turn to public/private key solutions in B4A but i'm not sure what would work.

I have several app. using backend services and I have done lots of work to hide keys in weird places. Till now it works but when it becomes very very easy to catch all traffic all API's become vunerable. In the end it actually does not make sense anymore to use API keys.

Going to look around for a solution myself. Someone has done this before on either IOS or Android.

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