Android Question Strange behavior of TabHost when WebView.LoadHtml is included


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I have a TabHost view (2 tabs) and first tab loads in Activity_Create a .bal-file with a WebView ("webMsg")
TabHost1.AddTab("Nachricht", "viewMsg.bal")
Also in Activity_Create the WebView loads a html:

Now, when I open the Activity with the fist tab, it is OK. But when I change to the second tab and come back to the first, it seems to change between the two tabs very fast automatically and the tabheader disappear (see attached video). It is not an event raised by code. I tried the following, but still the same behavior:
  1. removed every code with TabHost1.CurrentTab = ...
  2. removed every events that could be raised by the WebView, like webMsg_PageFinished, ...
  3. loaded only a small text in the WebView: webMsg.LoadHtml("test")
It is only OK, when I don't load a html in the WebView (even not webMsg.LoadHtml("test")).


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