Android Question Strange error

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I reconstructed CLog function for Crashlytics communation
In Strates's Service_Create I create an instance javaobjectFirebaseCrashlytics = javaobjectFirebaseCrashlytics.InitializeStatic ("").RunMethod ("getInstance", Null) and then use following subroutine to output results.
Public Sub CLog (stringMessage As String)

     javaobjectFirebaseCrashlytics.RunMethod ("log", Array (stringMessage))
     If LastException.IsInitialized Then javaobjectFirebaseCrashlytics.RunMethod ("recordException", Array (LastException))
    Log (stringMessage)

End Sub

Crashlytics shows
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Attempt to read from field '' on a null object reference (

Activity_Resume looks so
    Starter.Clog ("text")  
End Try

Crashlytics refers exactly to Starter.CLog.

I am a little confused by Attempt to read from field '' on a null object reference
Starter is null ? How it could be ? Or I understand something wrong ?

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
This happens in Activity_Resume, when programs rebuilds a form.
Sub Activity_Resume calls another soubroutines, which can call another subroutines.

All subroutines have the same layout ( Try .... Catch Starter.Clog). Crashlytics shows exception in Activity_Resume, but Crashlytics's log shows an error in latest subroutine, which I call (indirectly) in Activity_Resume event.

A problem that I am not able to reproduce this error on own phone.

Crashlytics talks that affected 0,5% of users. 88% of crashes is under Android 10, 12% - under Android 9. Mostly cheap models. Maybe not enough memory ?
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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I wrote a program enough long ago, when it was maximum Android 8.
It seems to me, I expected that services can be killed by OS. Except Starter, which (as I thought) is not kill-able. Is it correct up to now ?

Erel --

Not enough information to say anything concrete.

What I need to check ?
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