Android Question Stream video using Fritz!Box


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I have a Fritz! Box 7590 router/modem for FFTC. Using the MyFritz!App Cam app on an old smartphone, I am able to send a video stream to the Internet at a specific personal address.
It was therefore very easy to create an app that displays, on another smartphone, this video in a webview (see code).
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim URL As String
    Activity.AddView (webviwew1,0,0,100%x,100%y)
End Sub
Would it be possible to extract the video from the HTML page viewed from the webview and view that video in another full-page webview?
This would somewhat improve the display on the second smartphone.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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I didn't understand how the MJPEG class could be used in this case.
I have a video stream coming from the internet which is displayed inside in a proprietary app. I don't know the characteristics of this stream but I know that in the proprietary app the stream is converted into a video and the proprietary app displays it.
By examining on a PC the HTML code of the web page having the URL indicated in the previous pst you can see that the video data go in an HTML element
<img id = img1 src = "data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAIBAQ .............
This is what I should be able to visualize.
The attached image should clarify the issue better.


  • Fritz_dataimg.jpg
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