B4A Library String Functions


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Recently upgraded to B4A 1.8 and now when I compile apps created pre-1.8 I get error "Error description: Sub Process_Globals is missing." in this code module. So I added it and it works fine now...


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Pls add this function: Instr(Text as string,Token as string) as int

Thank you for developed many fuction for manage string . Now I 'm looking for Instr() function Please help me
Best Regards



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Sub InStr(StrVar As String,SearchStr As String)As Long 
   Dim x As Long 
   x = StrVar.IndexOf(SearchStr)
   Return x
End Sub



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Help me please

Sub InStr(StrVar As String,SearchStr As String)As Long 
   Dim x As Long 
   x = StrVar.IndexOf(SearchStr)
   Return x
End Sub


Thank You Rbsoft,for help and now I have question how to use s.bas file ? I have added s.file in program b4a already. I need use function in my program. But have error . This is
Compiling Code
Error parsing program
Error description:Sub Process_Globals is missing

I created new function in your s.bas file. This is my function
Sub StrCutTokenStrAll(Passedstring As String,TokenStr As String) As String
Do Until Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) = 0
Passedstring = s.Left(Passedstring, s.Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) - 1) & s.Mid(Passedstring, s.Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) + 1, s.Len(Passedstring) - s.Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr))
Return Passedstring
End Sub

I use check condition is s.StrCutTokenStrAll("This is a book"," ")=s.StrCutTokenStrAll("Thisisabook"," ") return true
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Jost aus Soest

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Read the error decription: Sub Process_Globals is missing

You need a Process_Globals sub, even if it's empty!


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Exactly. If you add a new code module in B4A you always will find this code at the beginning of the code:

'Code module
'Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
Sub Process_Globals
   'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
   'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

End Sub

Just add this the code module (s.bas) and you can call the functions without problems from other modules. Example:

Str1 = "abcdefgh"
Str2 = "c"
x = InStr(Str1,Str2)

'Returns 3



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There is no need to refer to s.bas if your sub is part of that code module. You need this reference only if you are accessing a subin s.bas from another module. Your Sub should look like this:

Sub StrCutTokenStrAll(Passedstring As String,TokenStr As String) As String
   Do Until Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) = 0
   Passedstring = Left(Passedstring, Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) - 1) & _
      Mid(Passedstring, Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr) + 1, Len(Passedstring) - _
      Instr(Passedstring, TokenStr))
   Return Passedstring
End Sub

You would call your sub then from another module like this:

t = s.StrCutTokenStrAll(PassedStr, TokenStr)



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Read the error decription: Sub Process_Globals is missing

You need a Process_Globals sub, even if it's empty!

Hi Jost aus Soest,
My app still has Sub Process_Globals already. I don't delete it. Please tell me
how I do continue in Sub Process_Globals.
Best Regards


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Thank you RbSoft,I think you answer me while I asking.


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Thank you RbSoft,I think you answer me while I asking.

Hi Roft (RbSoft),
I still have the same error. I use B4A v1.9 ,please help again
Best Regards


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Hi Rolf,
I think your instr() is unlike as same as instr() from VB6.0 that use 3 variables.
Best Regards

Sub InStr(StrVar As String,SearchStr As String)As Long 
   Dim x As Long 
   x = StrVar.IndexOf(SearchStr)
   Return x
End Sub



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That is right. I left out the first parameter (StartPos) which I never used. It is optional in VB and PB. This InStr always starts to search from the beginning of the string.



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If you need that parameter StartPos then the Sub should be like this;

Sub InStr(StartPos As Long, StrVar As String,SearchStr As String)As Long 
    Dim x As Long 
   x = StrVar.IndexOf2(SearchStr,StartPos)
    Return x
End Sub



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Hi Margret and Roft,
I have 2 function about manage string in VB 6.0 ,I need use in B4A . I cann't. Please help me to correct them I tried them ,have always error. this my code:

Sub StrCutTokenStrAll(Passedstring As String,TokenStr As String) As String
'This function to check 2 string be same data (i.e. "Book1" = "Book 1" )

Do Until InStr(Passedstring, TokenStr) = 0
Passedstring = Left(Passedstring, InStr(Passedstring, TokenStr) - 1) & Mid(Passedstring, InStr(Passedstring, TokenStr) + 1, Len(Passedstring) - InStr(Passedstring, TokenStr))
Return Passedstring
End Sub

Sub GetWord( StrVar As String,token As String, Nth As Int) As String
' This function returns the Nth token in a string
' Ex. msgbox GetWord("This is a test.", " ", 2) return "is"

Dim i As Int
Dim p As Int
Dim R As Int
Dim TargetStr As String
TargetStr = " "
For i = 1 To Len(StrVar)
If Mid(StrVar, i, 1) = " " Then
If Mid(StrVar, i - 1, 1) <> " " Then
TargetStr = TargetStr + Mid(StrVar, i, 1)
End If
TargetStr = TargetStr + Mid(StrVar, i, 1)
End If
StrVar = Trim(TargetStr)

If Nth < 1 Then
Return ""
End If

R = 0
For i = 1 To Nth
p = R
R = InStr( p + 1,StrVar,token)
If R = 0 Then
If i = Nth Then
Return Mid(StrVar, p + 1, Len(StrVar) - p)
Return ""
End If
End If
Return Mid(StrVar, p + 1, R - p - 1)
End Sub

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