Android Question Stuck When Get JobDone


Licensed User
I want to asking about the application I'm making.
When the application runs on Android 9 Pie, the application can enter the dashboard menu, but if installed on Android 10, the stuck application cannot enter the dashboard menu ...
my application uses php for database access. this sample :

First in android 9

Second in android 10

What factors cause stuck?
I tried tracking from the log, there was no error hint


Licensed User
Longtime User
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Licensed User
I'm trying to read from the link, there are the following points :

in my application, there is coding to read IMEI as the ID key in determining the login, is that very influential?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
IMEI as the ID key in determining the login, is that very influential?
Yes. You cannot get the IMEI number programmatically under Android 10. The method available in B4a will return an empty string
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