Success - Porting B4A application to Blackberry Playbook


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I finished an application for Android about a month ago with B4A, The only problem I had was that I did not even own an Android phone or tablet. The application was one I had created for a PALM TX and I had used it for many years. I acquired a Blackberry Playbook and decided if I could port my applications from the Palm over to the PB I could get rid of the Palm TX. I got a copy of Basic4Android and started building my application. I finished my application about a month ago and had my compiled "apx" file ready for PB android support. Yesterday I loaded my android.apx file in the Blackberry PB Online tool and it reported that my application ICON was to small. This morning I re-sized my icon and re-compliled and ran it through the Online tool and it reported my application was compatable with the Playbook android runtime. I side loaded my file to my playbook but I had to restart my PB to get it to run. Once I got it restarted my application started up and ran perfectly. I now need to do some cosmetics to fit the Playbook screen a little better, but the application run perfectly on the Blackberry Playbook with OS2 Beta. From Android APX file to Playbook BAR file was rather easy. SUCCESS


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im pulling this up because of this tweet i found on the german version of

Alec Saunders:
Shh.... Android Devs - submit your Android app to BB AppWorld by Feb 13 and get a free Playbook --> tools here:

Some of you may be interested in getting a free tablet. I`ll give it a shot during the next week.

However maybe i didn´t see the hook on this offer. Any educated doubt?

Happy coding,
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I finished an application for Android about a month ago with B4A, The only problem I had was that I did not even own an Android phone or tablet. The application was one I had created for a PALM TX and I had used it for many years. I acquired a Blackberry Playbook and decided if I could port my applications from the Palm over to the PB I could get rid of the Palm TX. I got a copy of Basic4Android and started building my application. I finished my application about a month ago and had my compiled "apx" file ready for PB android support. Yesterday I loaded my android.apx file in the Blackberry PB Online tool and it reported that my application ICON was to small. This morning I re-sized my icon and re-compliled and ran it through the Online tool and it reported my application was compatable with the Playbook android runtime. I side loaded my file to my playbook but I had to restart my PB to get it to run. Once I got it restarted my application started up and ran perfectly. I now need to do some cosmetics to fit the Playbook screen a little better, but the application run perfectly on the Blackberry Playbook with OS2 Beta. From Android APX file to Playbook BAR file was rather easy. SUCCESS

tboyd1120, what layout specifications did you use in the B4A Designer?
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I'm trying to get one of them, still waiting for them to approve me in their marketplace

They have it horribly setup
you have to get 2 key files, use it to make a third, register like four times
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The terms and conditions specify that BB must expect your app to be "in reasonable demand." There are also a few restrictions to prevent submission of overly-lightweight applications (i.e. no web launchers or apps that just play a sound or display a graphic), and if they get too many apps of the same type (i.e. a cascade of tip calculators) they can decide to stop offering tablets for those apps.

But all of that seems pretty reasonable, I'm giving it a shot!
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How to change apk file to apx file?

Please tell me. How to change apk file to apx file? I 'm interested in your process.

Best Regards

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No ideal what an apx file is
Blackberry wants your apk file is a bar file format

NB I am now the proud owner of a Blackberry Playbook from RIM free! They were true to their work. They posted it from Ohio to UK (according to tracking) and it unfortunately came with no UK plug - had to get an adapter from eBay. Till I got that, I was charging it from a shaver socket!

The good news is my app worked on downloading and looks far better than in the Blackberry simulator (which flickers like mad).

I'll update my help guide soon.

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I did that, it was a pain in the arse getting everything. They make you jump through way too many hoops. The Playbook itself is loaded with unnecessary security, no wonder they had to bribe devs to support it
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metrick, my application opens up with start up screen with 4 main buttons. It is a calculator for complex engineering formula's. Each button opens another screen with the entry blanks and buttons to calcualte. Each sub-screen has home button and checkbox to switch calculation functions. (caclulates partial volumes of horizontal storage tanks, volume of cylinders with checkbox to switch from inches to feet calculations. I'm using a main screen with 4 seperate page screens for different calculations.
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I have ported my apps also to Blackberry z10 and it runs fine. My problem is, that it is not possible to sign the bar-file a second time. I have read, that it is only possible to sign each version only once. So, I have changed the VersionName under Module Attributes. But it is not possible to sign the new version. What do I have to change, to sign my new version for the blackberry?

Thanks for help...
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I have ported my apps also to Blackberry Z10 and it runs fine. My problem is, that it is not possible to sign the bar-file a second time. I have read, that it is only possible to sign each version only once. So, I have changed the VersionName under Module Attributes. But it is not possible to sign the new version. What do I have to change, to sign my new version for the blackberry?

Thanks for help...

Install a debug token on the device instead of signing it. The Blackberry Graphical Aid software makes converting to a bar and installing to the device very easy. You can also use it to create and install your Debug Token which allows the software to run only on that device without having to increment the version.
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