Android Question SUGESTION: Button Background in Design


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

I designed lots of forms with designer and it´s a formidable time saving tool, but I´m having lots of problem with Android compatibiliby, mostly by the vast number of devices, OS versions and themes, making almost impossible one form be seen ok as designed in all devices.

Even using the default color, despite crample your design, sometimes fail... for example a gray button with a default black text...

I solved most the problems, for example, put a panel, bellow the texts and edittexts (all layout in fact), but the buttons still a problem, that I solved remount it with the .background option.

Please, add the .background option to the view properties will help to not need add code to every button we create.

Thank You


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, now I see that have one. If possible transfer...

Adding, there one Asus, that the buttons are rounded... It´s not a theme... You just can´t see the text on the button if the button it´s small... In any other device you can see ok.
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