I wouldn't use TabHosts.
As you already have a lot of buttons, I would make the selection of the Main, Settings and Help panels also with buttons.
I would work on the main activity with five panels:
- Toolbox panel with the 'general' buttons, always visible
- Main panel with the calculator selection buttons.
- Setup panel
- Help panel
- Calculator panel
The Main, Help and Setup panels are made visible or not according to the selection.
According to the Calculator selection I would remove the Calculator panel (this removes all the views), add a new one and load the layout file for the new calculator to that panel.
The advantage is that you have everything on the same place. The principle above could also be done with the TabHost, always on the main activity.
The advantage with the activities is that your code is more structured, and it is also the Android 'philosophy'.
This is just my opinion.
Best regards.