Dear alls,
Using the table class example, I've used the designer to create the panel, named as in the example, "pnlTable". The layout name is screen6_pasivominero. I don´t get to charge the table in the panel. if I use tha table class example, with my BD and SQL, I don´t have problem. The problem appears if I want to use the designer to create the panel. Could you help me?? Regards
Sub Globals
Dim Table1 As Table
Dim pnlTable As Panel
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Table1.Initialize(Me, "Table1", 5, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True)
Table1.CellAlignment = Bit.Or(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
Table1.RowHeight = 40dip
Table1.AddToActivity(pnlTable, 0, 50%y, pnlTable.Width, pnlTable.Height)
Table1.MultiSelect = False
Table1.SortColumn = False
Table1.SingleLine = False
End Sub
Sub FillTableSQLite
Dim Query As String
Table1.LineWidth = 3dip
Table1.TextSize = 18
Dim tf() As Typeface
tf = Array As Typeface(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT)
Table1.UseColumnColors = True
Query = "SELECT Codigo As [ID], Nombre As [Denominación] , Naturaleza, Distancia As [Distancia (m)], Uso As [Usos del Agua] FROM AguaSuperficial" Table1.LoadSQLiteDB(Main.s, Query, True)End Sub
Using the table class example, I've used the designer to create the panel, named as in the example, "pnlTable". The layout name is screen6_pasivominero. I don´t get to charge the table in the panel. if I use tha table class example, with my BD and SQL, I don´t have problem. The problem appears if I want to use the designer to create the panel. Could you help me?? Regards
Sub Globals
Dim Table1 As Table
Dim pnlTable As Panel
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Table1.Initialize(Me, "Table1", 5, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True)
Table1.CellAlignment = Bit.Or(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
Table1.RowHeight = 40dip
Table1.AddToActivity(pnlTable, 0, 50%y, pnlTable.Width, pnlTable.Height)
Table1.MultiSelect = False
Table1.SortColumn = False
Table1.SingleLine = False
End Sub
Sub FillTableSQLite
Dim Query As String
Table1.LineWidth = 3dip
Table1.TextSize = 18
Dim tf() As Typeface
tf = Array As Typeface(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT)
Table1.UseColumnColors = True
Query = "SELECT Codigo As [ID], Nombre As [Denominación] , Naturaleza, Distancia As [Distancia (m)], Uso As [Usos del Agua] FROM AguaSuperficial" Table1.LoadSQLiteDB(Main.s, Query, True)End Sub