Android Question Teleprompter


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I am thinking about programming a teleprompter for a 7 inch tablette.
But i've not idea to begin.
I need to vertical scroll a 'wrap' text'
Could you help me with your idea ?
- Perhaps an EditText item on a panel and next vertical scroll the panel ?
- Perhaps just en EditText and some code to automaticcaly scroll the text ? (i don't know if it's possible to control the text scroll with code)
Many thanks.


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Even an xCustomListView with its AddTextItem since, given text size and font, you should know how many chars show on a single line.
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Nice ideas. I need to go to work now. I'm trying later all your advices !
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Hi !
I'm using the 'Best view (control) for showing a large texte file' method but now how to automatically scroll the scrollview (with code) ?
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Did you look at this thread?

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@angel_ : i don't suref it if works for vertical label text scrolling too ? i don't know if you can set the scrolling speed ?
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