Test B4A on Linux Mint without Virtualbox


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Hi all,
I have tried to install B4A . I have problems are these belows.

1.Not Supported Thai Language,How to set UTF-8 coding?
2.Cann't to create AVD Manager.
3. Cann't to use B4A's Bridge version 2.07,unkhown ip address?

1. I use Playonlinux instead of wine+Virtualbox
2. install jdk via Playonlinux
3. install sdk for linux version 21.1
4. install B4A via Playonlinux include dotnet 2.0 without service pack
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Active Member
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Hi all,
I have tried to install B4A . I have problems are these belows.

1.Not Supported Thai Language,How to set UTF-8 coding?
2.Cann't to create AVD Manager.
3. Cann't to use B4A's Bridge version 2.07,unkhown ip address?

1. I use Playonlinux instead of wine+Virtualbox
2. install jdk via Playonlinux
3. install sdk for linux version 21.1
4. install B4A via Playonlinux include dotnet 2.0 without service pack

did this on linux (ubuntu)

1. You should use Virtualbox and run Windowsxx for B4A
2. install on your Virtualbox windows the AVD manger/java for windows since B4A runs in windows
3. you have to configure the virtualbox so it is taking the the ip form your host(linux)

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Hi alienhunter,

I have use Linux Mint 14 which based from Ubuntu,I don't want Vbox to solved this because if I use it,I should to use windows directly. I have seen the webpage which can done,but I don't understand English very well. I understand only 5-10%.I need to do continue.
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Hi Erel,
Every times I setup B4A ,it has b4aV0.1.ini occured,it's right? I think that if I found it,I cound fix Thai fonts instead of them,it's right?
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Hi Erel,
I'm still new programmer,I don't know to set path for adb.exe in b4av0.1.ini,I can adjust Thai for B4A already.
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What have you set under Tools - Configure Paths? ADB path is based on android.jar path.

Yes,I do. All of them done within Playonlinux's the virtual Windows ,unless sdk from google's linux directly(sdk for linux ,don't use sdk for windows because it unkown the bat files).
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Yes,I do. All of them done within Playonlinux's the virtual Windows ,unless sdk from google's linux directly(sdk for linux ,don't use sdk for windows because it unkown the bat files).

Hi all,
I have donwloaded adb.exe from internet ,it could finished this problem already. But I cann't create AVD manager , make to know ip address which linked to B4A's bridge and make compatible to USB drive . Who are follow me,please to guide me too.
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Hi Erel,
The lastest,I could finished avd manager,and it could run as picture below. But I couldn't compile to Emulator and device. I have copied filles (i.e. adb.exe,aapt.exe and Zipalign.exe ) which B4A's requested. I don't know that I must copy some files too in order to compile b4a's app.
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Hi Erel,

I can make B4A run on Linux Mint. But I still find the stratgy to solve with B4A's bridge. The picture is shown as B4A could run on linux Mint without using MS Windows or Virtual MS Windows. The B4A isn't attached with MS Windows.
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Here you are.My details I'm sorry.I must write only Thai language.
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My strategy still be not solved about bridge.I don't know to do work with the bridge v. 2.07 see the picture
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Are you trying to connect to a real device? Which error do you get?

It has error which I sent in the forum."ping failed..." I cann't connect to the real device. and the google's sdk for linux doesn't supported USB(please see the picture before)
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I do not know why the IP address is not pingable. What I'm saying is that you should try to connect with ADB instead. It can work.

Hi Erel,
I'm still a newbie. I have never used ADB command before.Please guide me to use. Do I must use terminal program before?
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I think What you are saying that the refer to website,OK?
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