Testing for Kindle Fires


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I can't find any info on here about testing apps for the Kindle Fire tablets other than the original Fire which didn't (still doesn't?) give accurate results for actual screen size using GetDeviceLayoutValues. I was using If p.Model = "Kindle Fire" to detect the original Fire and then loaded a layout made specifically for it.

Are there any known problems with the newer Fires?


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Longtime User
I create my screen definitions programmatically now and they work and pass the testing.

For a older App where I had created a handful of layouts, I did actually purchase a Kindle Fire, to see what all the problems were about as invariably I got a "Doesn't view properly" email about it... So I thought it would be easier to actually have one in my hands, use it for debugging and layouts specific to Kindles Fires and then sold it on :)
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Longtime User
I create my screen definitions programmatically now and they work and pass the testing.

For a older App where I had created a handful of layouts, I did actually purchase a Kindle Fire, to see what all the problems were about as invariably I got a "Doesn't view properly" email about it... So I thought it would be easier to actually have one in my hands, use it for debugging and layouts specific to Kindles Fires and then sold it on :)

Oops, I need to know a little more --

Does GetDeviceLayoutValues return 1900x1200 for the 8.9" Fire and 1280x800 for the 7" HD Fire or does it adjust for a control bar or anything?

Also... when I try to create a 1900x1200x254 emulator for testing the Fire 8.9" HD, AVD Manager opens the window, but it stays black and it won't respond when trying to load a layout or run an app to it. Other sizes work normally.

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